יום שבת, 4 בפברואר 2012

P'sak From The Mon & Eliyahu Hanavi - Beshalach 5769

The following Yesod is something Rav Pam used to say over in his Schmuzzin. Chazal say the Man was able to be Mevarer a Mitziyos. Let’s say there was a child and it was a Sofeik if it was a seven month child from the second husband or a nine month child from the first husband, or an Eved Canani, where there was a dispute between 2 families as to who owned him. What would happen is, in the morning the Man would fall, and in whichever person’s Rishus the extra portion of Man would fall for the child or the Eved, that would be Mevarer the S’feika of whose child it was or who’s Eved it was. The Kasha is, Torah Lav Bashomayim Hu so how can it be that the Man was Mevarer a Halachah?

There is a Gemara in Maseches Yoma 75a (in the 9th wide line) (( והמן) כזרע גד לבן (וטעמו) אמר ר' אסי עגול כגידא ולבן כמרגלית (תניא נמי הכי) גד שדומה לזרע פשתן בגבעולין אחרים אומרים גד שדומה להגדה שמושכת לבו של אדם כמים תניא אידך גד שמגיד להם לישראל אי בן תשעה לראשון ואי בן שבעה לאחרון לבן שמלבין עונותיהן של ישראל תניא ר' יוסי אומר כשם שהנביא היה מגיד להם לישראל מה שבחורין ומה שבסדקין כך המן מגיד להם לישראל מה שבחורין ומה שבסדקין כיצד שנים שבאו לפני משה לדין זה אומר עבדי גנבת וזה אומר אתה מכרתו לי אמר להם משה לבוקר משפט למחר אם נמצא עומרו בבית רבו ראשון בידוע שזה גנבו אם נמצא עומרו בבית רבו שני בידוע שזה מכרו לו וכן איש ואשה שבאו לפני משה לדין זה אומר היא סרחה עלי והיא אומרת הוא סרח עלי אמר להם משה לבקר משפט למחר אם נמצא עומרה בבית בעלה בידוע שהיא סרחה עליו נמצא עומרה בבית אביה בידוע שהוא סרח עליה), that says that the Man was Mevarer these S’feikos. The Tosafois Yoim Kippurim (a sefer on Yoma) asks this Kasha.

He answers what appears to be a Doichek Teretz, that the P’sak Din came from Moishe’s Bais Din. If people would have Taynois, Moishe would show them the Man as a Raya to his P’sak. The Maratz Chiyois has a more Yesoidoisdika Teretz. Rav Elchonon in the second Cheileik of the Koivetz Shiurim says this Teretz as well. Rav Pam would also say it over in the name of the Chidah. Toirah Lav Bashamayim Hi means Shamayim can’t be Mevarer a Halachah, a Din can’t be Mevarer Bashamayim. However, a Shaila in a physical fact (a Mitziyois) of course Shamayim can be Mevarer that, and therefore, the Man can be Mevarer it because it was a Shaila in fact (whose child or Eved is it).

The Ponovitche Rav in Sefer Moshchas Shemen, Cheilek Bais says, the Gemara many times says Teiku, which Pashut P’shat means let it stand. The Toisafois Yom Tov brings that Teiku means Tishbi Yetareitz Kushyois V’abayois. Meaning Eliyahu Hanavi will Pasken the Halacha. The Gemara says in Eilu Mitziyois, and also in the first Perek by Manah Shlishi that Yhei Munach Ad Sheyavaoi Eliyahu. Why is it that in one place we say Teiku and in the other place we say Ad Sheyavoi Eliyahu? Why do we change it? Why do we call him Tishbi there and Eliyahu here?

The answer is based on the Chasam Soifer in Cheilek Vav Siman Tzadik Ches. The Chasam Soifer says, is Eliyahu Hanavi who never died Michuyav in Mitzvois? The Gemara says that when he comes to tell us that Moshiach is coming, he will not come on Shabbos because he can’t travel, meaning he is Michuyav in Techumin. The Chasam Soifer asks, what happens when there are 2 Brisim on Shabbos, how does he travel then?

The Chasam Soifer answers, when Eliyahu comes down as a Guf, he is Michuyav in Mitzvois. By a Bris, Eliyahu comes down as a Malach, and therefore, is not Michuyav in Mitzvois. If so, then when Eliyahu comes to Pasken Halachos, if he comes in a Guf he can Pasken Halachos, however, if he comes as a Malach then Toirah Lav Bashamayim Hu and he wouldn’t be able to Pasken Halachois.

When Eliyahu comes to be Mevarer a Mitziyois, Eliyahu will just say who dropped it. So then we say, Ad Sheyavoi Eliyahu. Even a Malach could be Mevarer. However, to be Mevarer a Halacha as is implied by the word Tishbi meaning that he lives in the town of Tishbi, he must come in a Guf to Pasken a Halacha.

Societal Wrongs - Beshalach 5769

The Meshech Chochmoh on this week’s Parsha comes to answer the question of why the Yam Suf didn’t want to split because Halalu Oivdei Avoidah Zarah V’Halalu Oivdei Avodah Zarah, however, the other Nisim for example the Makkoh of Tzefardaiya did happen in Mitzrayim without any glitches. Why wasn’t there the same Tayna of Halalu Oivdei Avoidah Zarah V’Halalu Oivdei Avodah Zarah?

The Meshech Chochmoh klers, which Aveirah is a more Chomordik Aveirah, an Aveirah Maisi like Chillul Shabbos or Avoidah Zorah, or an Aveirah that is a Kilkul Hamiddos like Sinah, Chemdah, Loshon Horah, Machloikes (which are faults in the Midda of a person)?

We seem to find a contradiction in Chazal. On the one hand, Yehoraig V’al Ya’avoir is only on 3 Aveirois Maisiyois. It seems Maisiyois Aveirois are worse than Aveirois that are Kilkul Hammidois. On the other hand, we see repeatedly that when Aveirois that are Kilkul Hamiddos like Gaivoh are discussed, Hashem says Ani V’hu Einon Yechoilin Ladur B’oilom Echad. So the language is much harsher for an Aveira that is Kilkul Hamiddos than it is for an Aveirah that is done with a Maiseh.

The Meshech Chochmoh’s Yesoid is that there is a difference between a Din Hatzibbur and a Din Hayachid. Every Yachid has his battle with certain Middos. Some people have a problem with Atzlus and some don’t. Mitzvois Maisiyois are much more Chomer for an individual because you have to draw the line by certain Aveirois. Like for example Chillul Shabbos is K’neged Kol Hatoirah Kuloi. For a Yochid being Oiver an Aveira Maisiois is worse than being Oiver an Aveira that is Kilkul Hamiddos. However, for a Tzibbur that is being Oiver an Aveira that is Kilkul Hamiddos is much worse, for example a whole city that are Ba’al Lashon Hora or Ba’al Machloikes. So when you look at a Tzibbur, Kilkul Hamiddos is far worse.

We find that the 2 main Aveirois in the Midbar, were the Eigel and the Meraglim. The Eigel was an Aveira Maisi and the Meraglim was Kilkul Hamiddois. As a result of the Eigel, they were still able to go to Eretz Yisrael. After the Meraglim, they were not able to go to Eretz Yisrael. The reason is because the Aveira was worse because of the Kilkul Hamiddois. The same thing is found regarding the Batei Mikdashois that were Choriv. The Bayis Rishon was Chareiv because of the big 3 Aveirois. That Galus was for only 70 years. Bayis Sheini which was destroyed because of Sinas Chinum which is far worse, has not been rebuilt yet. We find that even when Yidden do Aveirois, Hashem is Shoicen Imi, however regarding Lashon Hora or Machloikes, Hashem will not stay with us.

In Mitzrayim, we find that Klal Yisrael was Oihavim Zeh Es Zeh. Chazal praise the Yidden in Mitzrayim. There was no Kilkul Hamiddos in Mitzrayim. So there was no Halalu Oivdei Avoidah Zarah V’Halalu Oivdei Avodah Zarah because the same way Kilkul Hamiddos is terrible for a Tzibbur, so to when there are Middos Toivois it is a saving grace for the Tzibbur. When they got to the Yam, they began to argue with some saying we should go back to Mitzrayim. Once they became embroiled in Machloikes the protection left them and the Taynois of Halalu Oivdei Avoidah Zarah V’Halalu Oivdei Avodah Zarah came back as well.

This might be the reason it is special to perform a Mitzvah or learn a Masechtah that is often time not done or learned. On a Yochid it doesn’t matter much, however, for a Tzibbur not to for example have a Chevrah Kaddisha or a Bikkur Choilim it is a problem.  

The Ohr Somaiach in the beginning of Hilchos Talmud Torah asks why is there no individual Mitzvois for every Middah Toivah. Why isn’t there a Lav for getting angry or jealousy. For an individual you can’t be Toivea for Middos, because some people are easy to anger and some are harder to anger. Some people find it hard to get up in the morning and for others that is not their Yeitzer Hora. So it is not Shava L’chol Nefesh. Mitzvois Maiseyois are Shava L’chol Nefesh. So when you attach yourself to a community, the Kilkul of the community of the Tzibbur that is in a Machloikes should not be underestimated.

Lechem Meshulash? - Beshalach 5769

Since there was a double portion of Man on Friday for Shabbos, we have Lechem Mishneh as a Zeicher on Shabbos. If a Yom Tov in the Midbar fell out on a Friday, then there was 3 portions of Man on Thursday as Tosafos in Maseches Beitzah on 2b says (והיה ביום הששי וגו'. פרש"י וע"כ בא לאשמועינן דאפילו הכנה בידי שמים (ב) ביצה אסורה דאי משום הכנה בידי אדם כלומר שיאפו ויבשלו מבעוד יום הא בהדיא כתיב את אשר תאפו אפו אלא הזמנה בפה קאמר ואין י"ט מכין לשבת כו' ואין שבת מכין לי"ט מכ"ש דכיון דאין י"ט מכין לשבת כ"ש דאין שבת מכין לי"ט והקשה רש"י אם כן ביצה שנולדה באחד בשבת או לאחר י"ט תתסר מכ"ש דשבת וי"ט לא מכינין אהדדי כ"ש דלא מכינין אחול ותירץ דלגבי סעודת חול לא צריך הכנה דאין סעודת חול חשובה אך תימה הואיל והכנה דאורייתא היאך אופין ומבשלין מי"ט לשבת וכ"ת ע"י ערובי תבשילין וכי אתי תקנתא דרבנן וליעקר הכנה דאורייתא ונראה ליישב דרבה גופיה אזיל לטעמיה דאית ליה הואיל ואי מקלעי אורחין חזי ליה השתא נמי חזי ליה ואפילו לדידן ניחא דכל דבר אפוי ומבושל לא שייך ביה הכנה שאינו מחוסר רק תקון בעלמא דמעיקרא הוה חזי ליה רק גבי ביצה שהוא דבר חדש שלא היתה בעולם ולא היתה ראויה כלל מעיקרא (ולאפות ולבשל תקוני מלתא בעלמא) תימה דכאן משמע שהמן לא היה יורד בי"ט כדפי' רש"י הששי הראוי להכנה וזהו בחול והא אמר ויברך ויקדש ברכו במן וקדשו במן שבשבת לא היה יורד מן אבל בי"ט היה יורד וי"ל דמדרשים חלוקין כדאיתא במדרש (מכילתא פ' בשלח) שבת לא יהיה (שמות טז) לרבות יום הכפורים לא יהיה בו לרבות י"ט שלא היה יורד בהן מן ועי"ל דאפי' היה יורד בי"ט מ"מ בי"ט שחל להיות בע"ש לא היה יורד מדכתיב קרא בו ביום הששי ולא כתיב ששי משמע הששי המיוחד שהוא ראוי להכנה ולא בששי שהוא יו"ט). Why don’t we have a zecher to this as well, when a Yom Tov falls out on a Friday and take 3 Chalakim of Lechem? An answer was not offered, however, we are pointed to the Meshech Chochmoh who deals with this.

Why Didn't They Fight? - Beshalach 5769

13:18 (וַחֲמֻשִׁים עָלוּ בְנֵי-יִשְׂרָאֵל, מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם) Chamushim Olu, that the Bnei Yisrael came up armed when they left Mitzrayim as Rashi says (וחמשים: אין חמושים אלא מזויינים). If they took arms, they obviously planned on using it. So why didn’t they use it when Mitzrayim was Rodfim Acharayhem as it says in 14:8 (וַיִּרְדֹּף, אַחֲרֵי בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל), and they were all in a panic?

יום שני, 30 בינואר 2012

J014 - 2-4 - The Return Of Rachav Hazonah

סתירה לכאורה ברש"י אם רחב היתה זונה או פונדקאית.

קו' תוס' איך החיו את רחב והכתיב "לא תחיה כל נשמה"?
במגילה יד תירצו שרחב לא היתה מהשבעה עממין.
בסוטה לה וגיטין מו תירצו שהאיסור לא חל אז והתחיל אח"כ.
אולי י"ל בדעת רש"י שרחב היתה זונה בתחילה אבל כבר עשתה תשובה לפני זה ונעשית פונדקאית, ונתיישב הסתירה ע"ש.
עי' מכילתא פרשת יתרו שאמרה חטאתי בנדה חלה והדלקת הנר. ותמוה שלא היתה יהודיה. והי' נראה מזה שכבר נתגיירה. אלא דצ"ב דלא היו שם ישראל לגיירה.
נר' שכבר קיבלה המצות אף שלא טבלה לשם גירות. ודומיא דבאיש שייך מל ולא טבל ששייך במצות, (עמש"כ בזה בבנין ציון ע"פ תוס' בפרק הערל, לגבי מעשה שהיה בירושלים בדר שמל ולא טבל ודנו אם ישמור שבת או לא) ה"נ באשה דאין מילה יהיה דינה כך בקבלת מצות.

בס' אהבת יהונתן כת' דגבי רחב אנו רואים מדת השי"ת שהבא ליטהר מסייעין לו.
רחב באה לעזור למרגלים ונשכרה היא עצמה בהצלת חייה.

כעי"ז בגמ' המתפלל בעד חבירו והוא צריך לאותו דבר נענה תחילה. לכאו' הכוונה למי שבאמת מתכוון בשביל חבירו, ולא שיבקש מי שצריך לאותו דבר להסכים שיתפללו זל"ז כדי שיענה הוא עצמו, שנמצא שאינו מתפלל על חבירו אלא בשביל עצמו.

אבל במג"א סי' קל ס"ק ב כת' שיותר נכון הנוסח ביה"ר של ברכת כהנים "בין שחלמתי על אחרים בין שחלמו אחרים עלי" שמתפלל בעד חבירו תחילה. ובאמת חולקים עליו האליה רבה (מטעם שנוסחת הש"ס הפוך) והיד המלך בהל' תפלה. (מטעם שאמרנו שכוונת הגמ' למי שמתפלל מחמת שהיטיב לבו עד שטובת חבירו יקר בעיניו מטובת עצמו.)
והתורה תמימה פרשת וירא, וגם בספריו תוספת ברכה בפרשת נשא, ובברוך שאמר, הק' על המג"א קו' אחרת. שכוונת הגמ' למי שמתפלל רק בעד חבירו ולא בעד עצמו כלל.
והמשנה ברורה בהל' ברכת כהנים פוסק דלא כהמג"א.

עוד כת' מג"א בסי' ר"ל סק"ו עוד נ"מ שמי שהתעטש ואמר חבירו "אסותא" יענה הוא "ברוך תהיה" כדי שיהא מתפלל על חבירו.
וכאן כת' המשנה ברורה כדברי המג"א ונראים דבריו כסותרים פסקו בהל' ברכת כהנים?
נר' שהמ"ב לא הסכים לטענת יד המלך אבל הסכים לטענת התורה תמימה ואתי שפיר.

בטעם הדבר כת' החת"ס פר' וירא שדבר זה אינה שכר אלא מציאות בבריאה שהמתפלל לחבירו נענה תחילה.

רחב הורידה אותם בחבל והתפללה באלו חטאתי באלו תמחול לי. ר שוואב הק' שלא יתכן שהיתה זונה  מפורסמת 40 שנה (עי' מסכת תענית דף ה) וכולם עלו בחבל?
ותי' שבאמת באו אצלה בפירסום אבל היו כמה שהתביישו והיא העלה אותם בחבל. והיינו שלא היתה לה החוצפה של מצח אשה זונה טד שלא הבינה שיש בזה בושה, זה הי' "נקודה טובה" שלה. ומשם התחיל תשובתה. וזה יסוד חשוב בתשובה. התשובה מתחלת מנקודת הצלם אלוקים שנשאר שלם. אולי זהו כוונת המשנה "אל תהי רשע בפני עצמך". ומזה הטעם אין מתחילים עשי"ת עם "על חטא".

ובשם הבעש"ט: "אם יהיו נדחך בקצה השמים משם יקבצך... ומשם יקחך". אם יהיה נדחך בקצה הארץ הול"ל? אלא - "אם יהיה נדחך", אם תחטא ותהיה נידח, " בקצה השמים" - ונשאר איזה קצה שמימית בתוכך, "משם יקבצך..." - זוהי מקום התחלת התשובה...

יום ראשון, 29 בינואר 2012

The Mystery Of The Captive Firstborns - Bo 5772

The question of the week is: in this week’s Parsha we are told that all the Egyptian firstborn were killed as it says in the Posuk 11:5 (מִבְּכוֹר פַּרְעֹה הַיֹּשֵׁב עַל-כִּסְאוֹ, עַד בְּכוֹר הַשִּׁפְחָה). Rashi says (עד בכור השבי: (שמות יב כט) למה לקו השבויים, כדי שלא יאמרו, יראתם תבעה עלבונם והביאה פורענות על מצרים) that even a Bechor of a captive of a different nation that was in Mitzrayim died. Rashi says so that the captive shouldn’t say it was my god that killed all the firstborn, he was doing it to rescue me. Therefore, even this Bechor died.
It seems from Rashi that if not for this reason the ( בכור השבי) would not have died. This is a Pele. One of the facts of the night of Makkas Bechoros is that even the Jewish (Bechorim) people were in danger and therefore they had to put blood on the doorposts. Why were the Jewish firstborn in danger?
So we are told Kivan Shenitan Rishus L’mashchis L’hashchis there is no difference if you are a Tzaddik or Rasha. If the Malach Hamaves is told to kill every first born he kills every first born and it doesn’t matter who you are. If so, it would seem simple that the Bechor Hashvi was killed because of this reason. Kivan Shenitan Rishus L’mashchis L’hashchis there is no difference if you are a Tzaddik or Rasha he killed everybody. Why then does Rashi say a new reason that the firstborn captives were killed? Tzorech Iyun Gadol!!

No Break - Bo 5772

The next thought which is from Rav Schwab is not from his Sefer on Chumash but it is from his Sefer on Tefillah by Kriyas Shema where he discusses Yetzias Mitzrayim at the end of Kriyas Shema. I will start with a basic concept and then go to a Kasha and answer.
When Klal Yisrael left Mitzrayim we went from being slaves to Paroh to being Avdei Hashem. There was no in between stage where we were free agents so to speak. The truth is that it is a healthy thing. The healthiest thing is when a person goes from one obligation to another. By marriage we say (Beraishis 2:24) (עַל-כֵּן, יַעֲזָב-אִישׁ, אֶת-אָבִיו, וְאֶת-אִמּוֹ; וְדָבַק בְּאִשְׁתּוֹ). It is healthy to go from a home where you live with parents and you are obligated to follow their wishes to a certain degree and then to get married. It is going from one Avdus so to speak to another. When a person lives alone for a period of time it is very difficult to adapt to living and having to put up with other people. So the healthy relationships go directly to directly to their next obligation and that is what the Ribbono Shel Olam did. They went straight from being Avdei Paroh to being Avdei Hashem.
Now let’s turn to the Parsha. In the Parsha we learn about the Mitzvah of Matzah. (מַצָּה זוֹ שֶׁאָנוּ אוֹכְלִים, עַל שׁוּם מָה). Why do we eat Matzah we ask at the Seder? (עַל שׁוּם שֶׁלֹא הִסְפִּיק בְּצֵקָם שֶׁל אֲבוֹתֵינוּ לְהַחֲמִיץ עַד שֶׁנִּגְלָה עֲלֵיהֶם מֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא). That when we left Egypt our dough did not have time to rise. There are two difficulties with this? First of all it is hard to understand that the dough did not have time to rise. It takes only 18 minutes for the dough to rise. Certainly Yetzias Mitzrayim took longer than 18 minutes. In addition, Chazal say that once one works on the dough, once one is actually kneading the dough it becomes Chometz quickly afterwards and it does not need 18 minutes. 18 minutes is when you are mixing flour and water. However, once it is made into a dough it becomes Chometz more quickly. So what does it mean that there wasn’t enough time? It must be that there was some miracle involved. What was the purpose of the miracle?
Kasha # 2 (הָא לַחְמָא עַנְיָא דִי אֲכָלוּ אַבְהָתָנָא בְּאַרְעָא דְמִצְרָיִם). At the outset of the Seder we say this. The Matzah is the same bread that we ate in Mitzrayim because it takes a long time for the Matzah to digest. The Mitzrim fed their slaves Matzah so that they wouldn’t have to feed them again. So that Matzah is the food of Avadim. Now, that is a second reason for Matzah. At the outset of the Seder we give that reason. Then when it comes to (מַצָּה זוֹ שֶׁאָנוּ אוֹכְלִים, עַל שׁוּם מָה) we give the reason of (עַל שׁוּם שֶׁלֹא הִסְפִּיק בְּצֵקָם שֶׁל אֲבוֹתֵינוּ לְהַחֲמִיץ עַד שֶׁנִּגְלָה עֲלֵיהֶם מֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא) that we went out so quickly that it didn’t have time to rise. They seem to be 2 totally different reasons.
Rav Schwab answers that they are not 2 reasons they are one. In Egypt as slaves we ate Matzah. When Klal Yisrael left Mitzrayim they must have been thinking that this dough is going to rise and now we no longer are going to eat the bread of Avadim. (הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא) caused a miracle for a reason. (הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא) caused it not to rise and indeed they were continuing to eat the bread of Avadim because Hashem was saying to Klal Yisrael Avadai Heim, a human being is not a free person. A human being is obligated to do the Ratzon Hashem. This is the Machshava thought on the Parsha.

Shmura Matzah, Mezuzas, and Lungs - Bo 5772

In this week’s Parsha we have Yetzias Mitzrayim and the Mitzvos that have to do with Pesach evening. I would like to start with a Dvar Halacha and then a Dvar Machshava both relating to the Mitzvos that the Torah gives us regarding the eating of Matzah on Pesach. The Meshech Chochmoh (which is not found in his writings on this week’s Parsha) says that it says in the Posuk 12:17 (וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם, אֶת-הַמַּצּוֹת), that it is a special Mitzvah to have Shmura Matzos. As you know it is a Mitzvah to have Matzah that is Shomer (watched) L’sheim Mitzvah which applies only to the Matzah that is being eaten on the first night of Pesach at the Seder. The rest of Pesach however, it is enough that it is not Chometz, it doesn’t have to be Matza that is Shomer (Shmura Matzah).
The question is (וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם, אֶת-הַמַּצּוֹת) what type of a Shemira is the Torah obligating? Rashi says (ושמרתם את המצות: שלא יבאו לידי חמוץ) It is an obligation to be careful in guarding the dough to not turn into Chometz. The prohibition of not eating Chometz is the same the first night of Pesach as it is on the entire Yom Tov of Pesach. The question then is why should the Torah give a different level of obligation in Shemira on the first night of Pesach then on the rest of the days of Pesach? Besides for the prohibition of eating Chometz they are identical.
The Meshech Chochmoh answers with a Yesod. We know that when it comes to Mitzvos we are allowed to rely on Rov. The Torah allows us to rely on Rov. What would happen if someone were to rely on Rov, for example you Shecht an animal properly and eat the meat. Unbeknownst to him, there is a hole in the heart thus rendering the animal a Treifah. The Halacha is that Ones K’man D’lo Ovid Dami. If someone does something B’ones he is not guilty at all and then K’man D’lo Ovid, it is as if he did not eat Nivaila. There is no Aveira at all. A person should be perfectly comfortable relying on Rov in that the animal is not a Treifah and indeed we never check for any Treifos outside of the lungs where finding them to be Treif is more common.
When it comes to a Mitzvas Asei however, the same thing is not true. Let’s say someone would buy an Esrog in a manner in that he was relying on Rov that it is a Koshera Esrog and it would turn out that it is not a Koshera Esrog. Well he wouldn’t be punished for failing to take an Esrog because he was an Ones but he would not get Schar for taking an Esrog because in fact he did not actually take an Esrog. Which means to say, when you have a good excuse it helps for a Lo Sasei. Somebody violates a prohibition then Unsa K’man D’lo Ovid, if someone does something B’ones he is not guilty at all because he did not do the Lo Sasei. However, when it comes to a Mitzvas Asei even if one is guiltless in failing to do it, he still doesn’t benefit from having done the Mitzvah.
With this Yesod the Meschech Chochmoh explains beautifully. All Pesach we don’t have to guard the flour that it not turn into Chometz. We are permitted to rely on Rov. Normally, kernels which are ground into flour make flour that is not Chometzdik. Normally if you make dough by mixing flour and water and bake it within 18 minutes it will not turn into Chometz. There is no special need to watch it although occasionally things may happen, but in a typical case the Torah allows us to rely on Rov. Therefore, all of Pesach we are perfectly comfortable relying on that Rov. The reason is even if it would turn into Chometz Unsa K’man D’lo Ovid and there is no violation. The first night of Pesach is different because it is a Mitzvas Asei so if we would eat something that we think is Matzah and B’ones it really is not Matzah you wouldn’t be punished for failing to eat Matzah on the first night of Pesach but you would be missing the benefit of eating Matzah as the MItzvas Asei. Therefore, the Torah is teaching us that when you come to a Mitzvas Asei (a Mitzvah that one does actively) a person should be extra careful (וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם, אֶת-הַמַּצּוֹת).
This is a beautiful explanation and with this the Meshech Chochmo goes on to explain that the Halacha is that a person is obligated to check his Mezuzas twice every seven years. The Bedika is an obligation despite the fact that as we know most of the time the Mezuzas are Kosher. They were Kosher originally and they stay Kosher. When it comes however, to checking Treifos, checking the lungs, a Treifa that is common, there is no biblical obligation to check, we rely on Rov. Checking the lungs is a Chumrah which we do Mid’rabban. Why is checking Mezuzas different than checking the lungs?
When it comes to Treifos we come to relying on Rov, and therefore, we can eat without checking. Unsa K’man D’lo Ovid, the Torah allows us to rely on Rov. If we accidently eat something that was Treif there is no consequence. However, when it comes to Mezuza which is a Mitzvas Asei, if we relied on Rov and in fact the Mezuza was Posel indeed we wouldn’t be punished for failing to do the Mitzvah but still we would be failing from having benefit of a Kosher Mezuza. This is a beautiful Vort based on a very basic Yesod.