The Chidushai Harim asks that it says in Shulchan
Aruch Siman 128, that a Kohen who kills someone else even by accident becomes
Pasul from Nesias Kapaim (Duchaning). So how could it be that Pinchas by
killing Zimri became Dafka a Kohen?
The Teretz that the Chidushai Harim offers is that
the reason that a Kohen who kills someone is Pasul from Duchaning is because
the Yesoid of Duchaning is the Middah of Chesed (kindness). Someone who kills
did something that is the opposite of Chesed so he can’t be the conduit for
Chesed. In the case of Pinchas killing
Zimri, the killing came from an Ahavah to Klal Yisrael. It came as a protection
to Klal Yisrael. Since it came as a protection to Klal Yisrael, Adaraba, it
came as Chesed. Since it came because of the Middas Hachesed it has the
opposite effect, that of increased Chesed, which makes it possible for Pinchas
to become a Kohen.
This idea was seen in Rav Tzaddoik’s Resisai Laila
in a general way. He says that all Mitzvois have the power to be Mehapeich
something that seems B’Pashtus to be Din and turn it into a Chesed. He gives as
an example from Devarim 14:22 (דברים
יד, כב) עשר תעשר עשר בשביל שתתעשר The Gemara in Maseches
Taanis on 9a (top line) Darshuns the Posuk this way.
One would think that giving money to Tzedakah would
make you have less money. However, because there is an aspect of Mitzvah in the
giving of the Tzedakah, the result is the opposite. Something that otherwise
would be Memayait now becomes something that gives.
The same thing he says by the Ir Hanidachas. When an
entire city is killed out, one would think that it makes people into cruel
people. The Posuk in Parshas Re’eh says in Devarim 13:18, וְנָתַן-לְךָ
רַחֲמִים וְרִחַמְךָ The result of killing a Ir Hanidachas is that
Hakadoish Baruch Hu gives someone the strength and the Middah of Rachmanus.
The Gemara Darshuns in Maseches Shabbos 151b (9 lines from the bottom), תניא ר' גמליאל ברבי אומר (דברים יג) ונתן לך רחמים
ורחמך והרבך כל המרחם על הבריות מרחמין עליו מן השמים Rav Tzaddoik says that
when someone mixes a Mitzvah into something that would normally cause a retraction
and a negative thing or influence to occur, once the Mitzvah is incorporated into
his action the negative influence doesn’t come and just the opposite, it turns
into a Davar Toiv.
That is the Middah that we learn from Pinchas, that
even though he was involved in Machloikes, he got a Bris of Shaleim. Even
though he was involved in Retzicha, he got Chayei Oilam. He got to live for
always which is the opposite of Retzicha which is less life, he got a life of