יום ראשון, 29 בינואר 2012

Chametz And Rushing - Bo 5770

12:11 וְכָכָה, תֹּאכְלוּ אֹתוֹ--מָתְנֵיכֶם חֲגֻרִים, נַעֲלֵיכֶם בְּרַגְלֵיכֶם וּמַקֶּלְכֶם בְּיֶדְכֶם; וַאֲכַלְתֶּם אֹתוֹ בְּחִפָּזוֹן We memorialize the fact that the Yidden were rushing, by baking the Matzos in a rush. We are always told that rushing is not a good thing and here we are told to remember the rushing. What exactly is the wonderful thing about rushing?
The Arizal is known to have said, when Klal Yisrael left Mitzrayim, they couldn’t wait because if they had waited another moment, they would have fallen into the 50th Shar of Tumah from which they wouldn’t have been able to get out from. Why did the Ribboinoi Shel Oilam wait until the very last minute to take them out? Why didn’t he take them out a day early and then he wouldn’t have had to rush?
Another question, let us say that the Geula would have happened a minute later, would the Yidden have fallen to the 50th Shar? What was going on in Mitzrayim during this night of Makkas Bechoirois, was there a Yeitzer Hora for Avoida Zorah? How can we say that if they would have stayed for an extra moment in Mitzrayim that they would have fallen into the 50th Shar Hatumah?
Rav Hutner in Pachad Yitzchak Maimar 1 Ois 1 on Pesach explains that there are 2 types of rushing and these 2 types of rushing are very central to all of our lives. There is one type of rushing that the time puts a pressure on you. For example a time deadline, like leaving late on a Friday afternoon. The second type of rushing is for something that is very important that you want to do like for example making sure everything is in its correct place if a dignitary would be visiting us.  
Klal Yisrael when leaving Mitzrayim were not pressured by the clock. We are talking about Klal Yisrael after 10 Makkos and serving as slaves for 210 years now being told that they could leave. If their leaving would not be important to them as to be L’mayla Min Hazman, in order to make them rush, then they would have fallen into the 50th Shar Hatumah. How can you be in the 49th Shar Hatumah and be presented with an opportunity to get out and not grab it B’chipazoin? If they wouldn’t have shown that enthusiasm then they would have fallen into the 50th Shar Hatumah. So this B’chipazoin we are obligated to remember. This is why we have the rule Mitzvah She’boi B’yadcha Al Tach’mi’tzena. The Mitzvois must be important to us.
It is an excellent idea, not only to Teitch up all these questions but more importantly for a person to analyze his whole life and to see where he is going, where he is rushing and where he is heading.

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