יום ראשון, 29 בינואר 2012

How The Jews Carried On Pesach - Bo 5770

12:16 וּבַיּוֹם הָרִאשׁוֹן, מִקְרָא-קֹדֶשׁ, וּבַיּוֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִי, מִקְרָא-קֹדֶשׁ יִהְיֶה לָכֶם:  כָּל-מְלָאכָה, לֹא-יֵעָשֶׂה בָהֶם--אַךְ אֲשֶׁר יֵאָכֵל לְכָל-נֶפֶשׁ, הוּא לְבַדּוֹ יֵעָשֶׂה לָכֶם Rebbi started the Shiur with a Dvar Halacha. We know that when Klal Yisrael left Mitzrayim they took everything with them, including everything they owned and everything they borrowed. In addition, they also had Ugois Matzos with them. The problem is that Klal Yisrael had already been commanded to keep the first day of Pesach, Koidesh. At this point Klal Yisrael had not yet received the Torah, however, they were given some Mitzvois including Tefillin and Pidyoin Haben. In addition, they also received the Mitzvah of Chag Hapesach which included eating Matzah for seven days and that the first and seven days is Koidesh in that no Melacha could be done.  The only Melacha that was permitted was for Oichel Nefesh. So I can understand why they carried out with them from Mitzrayim the Matzos as that was for Oichel Nefesh, however, what was the Heter for them to take everything else that they took with them which included the wealth of Mitzrayim and their personal belongings?
The Chasam Soifer says that is why the Posuk says that they carried the Matzos in their hands whereas everything else was on the Behaimos. The reason is they only carried in their hands what was for Oichel Nefesh while everything else had to be carried by the Behaimos. This really wasn’t enough because there is an Issur D’oiraissa of Mechamer which applies to a Behaimah doing a Melacha for you. The Chasam Soifer brings a Gemara in Maseches Shabbos 153b (24 lines from the top) where it discusses if a person who is stuck on Friday late afternoon with a Hefsed Meruba, should have the animal carry and when it stops you lift the package off the animal and when it starts walking again you put the package back onto the animal. So in this way there is never an Akira or a Hanacha. אמר מר אין עמו נכרי מניחו על החמור והלא מחמר ורחמנא אמר (שמות כ) לא תעשה כל מלאכה א"ר אדא בר אהבה מניחו עליה כשהיא מהלכת והא אי אפשר דלא קיימא להשתין מים ולהטיל גללים ואיכא עקירה והנחה כשהיא מהלכת מניחו עליה כשהיא עומדת נוטלו הימנה The Chasam Soifer suggests that this is what Klal Yisrael did when they left Mitzrayim, by taking everything off and putting everything back on the animals. It seems a bit humorous that each person with 90 Chamoirim full of stuff would be picking up and putting down the packages as they went and stopped. The Kasha still remains what was the Heter?
A Teretz was offered. The Biur Halacha brings that Melacha is permitted for Tzorchei Mitzvah as we know you can carry a Lulav on Sukkos. Even though there is a Din of Lachem V’loi L’gavoi’a, however, a Mitzvois Hayoim you can carry for. Mimeila, it is very good, because the Ribboinoi Shel Oilam was Mechayeiv them to take out the wealth of Mitzrayim. Whatever they took out was the Dvar Mitzvah of the day. So there was a Heter for carrying.
This is good for the first day that it was Koidesh. What about the seventh day that was also Koidesh, they should have also not been permitted to carry? You can’t say that they parked and sat still, because we have a Kabbala that Kriyas Yam Suf was on the seventh day. So they obviously traveled?
When the Yidden walked through the Yam Suf there was water on either side of them so that there were walls of water on the side of them. You are permitted to carry if there are walls surrounding you. However, if there are walls only on 2 sides you are not permitted to carry?  The Gemara in Maseches Arachin 15a says that Klal Yisrael crossed the Yam Suf in a U shape crossing. They went into the Yam Suf and came out on the same southern bank as where they started however; it was at a different point as is shown in the diagram in the Artscroll Gemara 15a4. The question that remains is, why didn’t Klal Yisrael go directly across the Yam Suf? Had they gone directly across there would be the Issur of carrying. To go in a U shaped area where the water was in effect a wall on either side of them, the northern, eastern, and western side of them which in turn makes it permitted to carry M’doiraissa. This is why they came out the same side that they went in, in order that there were 3 walls surrounding them.

אין תגובות:

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