יום שני, 5 במרץ 2012

Willingly Under Duress - Yisro 5772

By Matan Torah we know Kofa Aleihem Har Ki’gigis. Hakadosh Baruch Hu held the mountain over Klal Yisrael and he said to Klal Yisrael if you are Mekabeil Torah good and if not Sham T’hei Kevuraschem, you will be buried. So there was a Kefia for Kabbalas Hatorah. This is brought down in Maseches Shabbos on 88a (17 lines form the top) (א"ר אבדימי בר חמא בר חסא מלמד שכפה הקב"ה עליהם את ההר כגיגית ואמר להם אם אתם מקבלים התורה מוטב ואם לאו שם תהא קבורתכם). Tosafos asks (כפה עליהן הר כגיגית. ואע"פ שכבר הקדימו נעשה לנשמע שמא יהיו חוזרים כשיראו האש הגדולה שיצאתה נשמתן והא דאמר בפ"ק דמס' ע"ז (דף ב:) כלום כפית עלינו הר כגיגית דמשמע דאם היה כופה עליהן לא היה להן תשובה והכא אמר דמודעא רבה לאורייתא היינו על מה שלא קבלוה אבל מה שלא קיימוה איכא תשובה). That Klal Yisrael was Mekabeil the Torah willingly with Naaseh V’nishma and if so then what is the need of the Kefia, focing Klal Yisrael?
This Tosafos Kasha is the basis for many different Derashos regarding Matan Torah. Some make a distinction between Torah She’bichsav and Torah She’bal Peh which is most probably the most well-known Teretz. 
The Maharal has an approach which is more B’derech Hapshat. The Maharal is quoted by Rav Schorr in the Ohr Gedalyahu on Shevuos page # 162. The Maharal himself is in Tiferes Yisroel Perek 32. The Maharal says such a beautiful Pshat B’derech Hapshat. The question was Klal Yisrael accepted the Torah willingly so why did Hakadosh Baruch Hu force them?
Says the Maharal, Mitzad Hamekabeil V’ratzon Umitzad Hanosen V’hechrich. From the side of the one who accepted the Torah it was accepted willingly but from the side of the giver, the giver gave it B’hechrich. Compelling, forcing Klal Yisrael to accept the Torah. What does this mean?
Rav Schorr explained that Klal Yisrael accepted upon themselves willingly that Hakadosh Baruch Hu would force Klal Yisrael to accept the Torah at all times. He gives a Mashal. There is a man who suffers from a mental disorder. There are times that he is well and he behaves normally and there are times that he becomes insane. When he is well he tells his friends or relatives at the times that I become insane compel me to do the right thing. So too with Klal Yisrael. Klal Yisrael said we are accepting the Torah willingly. There may be times throughout the generations where the nation of Klal Yisrael acts in a rebellious way and throws off the yoke of Torah. So Klal Yisrael willingly accepted the concept of (שכפה הקב"ה עליהם את ההר כגיגית) that they should be compelled to accept the Torah throughout the generations and that is why Hakadosh Baruch Hu follows up when Jews are quick to assimilate Hakadosh Baruch Hu makes the Goyim throw away the assimilation.
In the mid 1800’s Jews in Germany were compelled to take German names. It was a decree from Emperor Franciosis that all Jews in Austria and Germany had to shed their Jewish names and had to take non-Jewish names. That was done so that Jews would assimilate. Within a century the Nuremberg laws in Germany said that Jews were not allowed to have gentile names and they had to change their names to recognizable Jewish names. When Jews go to assimilate Hakadosh Baruch Hu with Kefia forces Klal Yisrael to go back to be recognized as Jews. This is what Klal Yisrael was Mekabeil here at this moment. This is a beautiful thought from the Maharal again in the Ohr Gedalyahu on Shevuos.

אין תגובות:

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