יום שני, 13 בפברואר 2012

Angel Shoemaker - Mishpatim 5771

23:20 – 23:21 ( הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי שֹׁלֵחַ מַלְאָךְ, לְפָנֶיךָ, לִשְׁמָרְךָ, בַּדָּרֶךְ; וְלַהֲבִיאֲךָ, אֶל-הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר הֲכִנֹתִי) After Shishi we are told that there would be a Malach accompanying Klal Yisrael in their journey. Then the Ribbono Shel Olam warns us (הִשָּׁמֶר מִפָּנָיו וּשְׁמַע בְּקֹלוֹ, אַל-תַּמֵּר בּוֹ:  כִּי לֹא יִשָּׂא לְפִשְׁעֲכֶם, כִּי שְׁמִי בְּקִרְבּוֹ) Be careful with this Malach, he won’t forgive you, and somehow Hashem’s name is in this Malach.
Which Malach is this? Rashi tells us (כי שמי בקרבו: מחובר לראש המקרא, השמר מפניו כי שמי משותף בו, ורבותינו אמרו זה מטטרו"ן ששמו כשם רבו. מטטרו"ן בגימטריא שקי) That there is a Malach (מטטרו"ן) whose name is the numerical value of (שקי) which is the numerical value of Hashem’s name.
Who is this Malach (מטטרו"ן)? The first thing I will tell you is that this name should not be pronounced. This is something brought Al Pi the Arizal and is also mentioned in some Halachah Seforim including the Kaf Hachaim Siman 5 Os 10. The Chayei Adom is at the end of Klal 5 and brings this concept as well. Therefore, this Malach is called by his nickname Matat which are the first three letters of his name.
Who is this Malach, we have never heard of him? Rabbeinu Bachye here on the Parsha writes that this is Hashem’s beloved Malach.
The Maral in Maseches Sanhedrin 39 explains that every Malach has only one Shlichus and this Malach Matat does the Shlichus of whatever the Ribbono Shel Olam has going on at that time. In a sense, when a builder builds a building he has many workers and each one has a job. He also has a supervisor. In a very crude example, Matat is Hashem’s supervisor.
Who is this Malach? In Maseches Yevamos 16b (11 lines from the bottom) (אמר רבי שמואל בר נחמני אמר רבי יונתן פסוק זה שר העולם אמרו (תהילים לז) נער הייתי גם זקנתי מאן אמריה אילימא קודשא בריך הוא מי איכא זקנה קמיה ואלא דוד אמריה מי קשיש כולי האי אלא ש"מ שר העולם אמרו) The Gemara here refers to the Sar Haolam (שר העולם) which means a Malach called the Sar of the world. Tosafos writes there that it is this Malach Matat. (פסוק זה שר העולם אמרו. קשיא לר"ת דעשה הפייט השר המשרת נער נקרא הוא מטטרון הנכבד והנורא אלמא מטטרון הוא שר העולם שנקרא נער ובפיוט אחר יסד תוקף מטטרון שר הנהפך לאש מבשר משמע דחנוך הוא מטטרון ואי אפשר שיהיה חנוך שר העולם דבפרק אלו טרפות (חולין ס. ושם) אמר דבששת ימי בראשית פתח שר העולם ואמר ישמח ה' במעשיו וחנוך לא היה במעשה בראשית וי"ל דמטטרון אין זה שר העולם והא דנקרא נער לא משום דכתיב נער הייתי וגם זקנתי אלא (ה) נער שכן היה שמו ובפסיקתא בח' שמות של מטטרון מונה נמי נער ועוד דאגדות חולקות זו על זו דבבראשית רבה י"א דחנוך מת כדמתרגמי' כי לקח אותו (בראשית ה) המית יתיה ובריש מסכת דרך ארץ משמע דנכנס לג"ע בחייו). Not much is known about this Malach by most people.
Who is he? The Michtav Eliyahu writes in Cheilek Aleph page 34 about this Malach. Most people are aware that Eliyahu Hanavi never died and he went up to Shamayim and returned as a Malach. There is a second human being who had the same Zechus, a human being before Matan Torah. In Beraishis 5:24 it says (וַיִּתְהַלֵּךְ חֲנוֹךְ, אֶת-הָאֱלֹקִים; וְאֵינֶנּוּ, כִּי-לָקַח אֹתוֹ אֱלֹקִים). Rashi explains (ויתהלך חנוך: צדיק היה וקל בדעתו לשוב להרשיע, לפיכך מיהר הקב"ה וסילקו והמיתו קודם זמנו [וזהו ששינה הכתוב במיתתו לכתוב ואיננו בעולם למלאות שנותיו). That this Chanoch too went up to Shamayim alive and he became this Malach Matat. So what I told you until now is a basic Yedia in Yahadus that there was such a person Chanoch who became a Malach Matat which is a beloved Malach.  
A Vort regarding this Malach. The Michtav Eliyahu there brings regarding Chanoch, what was his greatness? Chanoch had a job as a shoemaker. Every stitch that he made he was Miyacheid Michudim. I don’t know exactly what this means but it means something extraordinary. In his work he did something fantastic and that brought him to a great Madreiga.
R’ Yisrael Salanter is quoted in the Michtav Eliyahu as saying the following. He says don’t think that Chanoch had Kavonos Elyonos, that his main focus was on Heiche Kavanos. When you are working for someone you are not allowed to do that. He says that Chanoch in his work as a shoemaker was extra careful with every stitch to do his work faithfully. To do his work and give his employer the full day’s work that he was entitled to. That was his main Kavana. It was not Kavonos Elyonos that would distract him from his work. He did his work faithfully. This is a Vort of R’ Yisrael Salanter printed here in the Michtav Eliyahu.
The Michtav Eliyahu, R’ Dessler has a son in law who should live and be well R’ Yehoshua Gelbzahler Shlita, who is an extraordinary Talmid Chochom and lives today in Monsey. In 1952 Rav Dessler visited R’ Yehoshua Gelbzahler and R’ Yehoshua Gelbzahler complained about this Vort from R’ Yisrael Salanter which his father in law brought. He said how can you make Chanoch into a trustworthy employee, that was his greatness? For that he became a Malach? He complained and he brought that on the contrary that Chanoch was into Yesodos Elyonos. He understood Yechudim of Hashem.  Why do you make him into a regular employee? This was his question to Rav Dessler.
Rav Dessler responded in a letter that is printed in R’ Gelbzahler’s Sefer, Kodshei Yehoshua at the end of Krach Hei (the fifth volume). I saw this Sefer in the Azat in the Mir Yerushalayim and if you can get it, it is definitely worthwhile to learn through this exchange of letters.
As I understand, Rav Dessler’s response is the following. R’ Yisrael Salanter was trying to teach us that there is a concept of extraordinary Kavanos that great people can reach. But you should know one Yesod says Rav Dessler. That any Heiche Kavanos, any greatness can only come if it is tied to Kiyum Hamitzvos. You have to keep one of the Taryag Mitzvos and then you can go to higher levels. For example someone who puts on Tefillin with great Kavana but those Tefillin are Posul, will achieve zero, so you have nothing. Heiche Kavanos must be attached to Mitzvos. That was R’ Yisrael Salanter’s focus. That Chanoch in his first step of Avodah made sure that whatever Kavanos he would have would not detract in any which way from his Avodah to the Ribbono Shel Olam. From the things that he was doing and being Mekayeim the Mitzvah of being a faithful employee. R’ Yisrael Salanter was teaching us that if you see a great man, you want to learn from him? Know that even in his greatness, in his extraordinary level that he had, you should know that his first and foremost Kavana was to be a loyal employee who did the work that he had to do the way he had to do it. An extraordinary exchange of letters and certainly an extraordinary piece of Mussar.

אין תגובות:

הוסף רשומת תגובה