יום ראשון, 25 בנובמבר 2012

Was She Still Alive? - Vayishlach 5772

We have in the death of Rochel Imainu that the Posuk says a Lashon of 35:18 (וַיְהִי בְּצֵאת נַפְשָׁהּ, כִּי מֵתָה). There is something of a question of how to translate the Posuk. (כִּי מֵתָה) could mean because she died if it is Lashon Ovar or it could mean (וַיְהִי בְּצֵאת נַפְשָׁהּ, כִּי מֵתָה) because she was dying. The Nafka Mina is if it is Lashon Ovar, past tense or if it is in present tense. Is the word pronounced Mil’ail (מֵתָה) with the stress on the (מֵ) or (מֵתָה) with the stress on the (תָ).
In the Targum Unkalis he brings both Teitch as it says Arei Misas and in parentheses it says Arei Mai’sa. So it brings both Teitchen. Rav Pam was No’heig here in the Yeshiva that it was read twice by the Baal Korei. That was in order to get both possible meanings of this Posuk.

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