יום ראשון, 25 בנובמבר 2012

Don't Kill Him Yet - Vayishlach 5771

We know that this Parsha begins with Eisav out to kill Yaakov Avinu. Isn’t it strange, the last time we met Eisav, it was in Parshas Toldos, 27:41(וַיִּשְׂטֹם עֵשָׂו, אֶת-יַעֲקֹב, עַל-הַבְּרָכָה, אֲשֶׁר בֵּרְכוֹ אָבִיו; וַיֹּאמֶר עֵשָׂו בְּלִבּוֹ, יִקְרְבוּ יְמֵי אֵבֶל אָבִי, וְאַהַרְגָה, אֶת-יַעֲקֹב אָחִי) Eisav said in his heart, when my father dies, I will kill Yaakov. Did he mean that seriously that he is going to wait until his father dies? Rashi says, (יקרבו ימי אבל אבי: כמשמעו, שלא אצער את אבא. ומדרש אגדה לכמה פנים יש) Eisav was genuinely a Mechabeid Av V’aim and he wouldn’t kill Yaakov during Yitzchak’s lifetime because that would bring pain to him.
That being the case, the beginning of this week’s Parsha in Vayishlach, is so strange. Yitzchak at the time he gave the B’rachos was either 122 or 123. We know this from Rashi in Parshas Toldos 27:2 (לא ידעתי יום מותי: אמר רבי יהושע בן קרחה אם מגיע אדם לפרק אבותיו ידאג חמש שנים לפניהם וחמש לאחר כן, ויצחק היה בן מאה עשרים ושלש, אמר שמא לפרק אמי אני מגיע, והיא מתה בת מאה עשרים ושבע והריני בן חמש שנים סמוך לפרקה, לפיכך לא ידעתי יום מותי, שמא לפרק אמי, שמא לפרק אבא) Since he was within 5 years of the Petira of his mother who had lived 127 years. Since he was within 5 years of that, he was either 122 or 123 when he gave the B’rachos.  Subsequent to that, Yaakov learned in the Yeshiva Sheim V’aiver for 14 years and he spent 20 years at Beis Lavan which totals 34 years. If we add 123 + 34 we come out that Yitzchak was 157 years old. Yitzchak still lived another 23 years. What happened? Eisav had said that when Yitzchak passes away he would kill Yaakov and here we find him out to kill Yaakov before his father’s Petira?

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