יום ראשון, 17 ביוני 2012

What Went Wrong - Shelach 5771

Parshas Shelach is primarily about the Maiseh Hamiraglim which caused Klal Yisrael to remain in the Midbar for 40 years. One of the most difficult questions is how 10 people who were Anashim Roshei Yisrael could suddenly become such Reshaim.
I would like to share with you a Ramban followed by a Steipler which when taken together gives us a fantastic insight into what has taken place.
The Ramban says that the Yesod of the Cheit of the Meraglim was the following. They were sent into Eretz Yisrael to spy enough to see how Klal Yisrael should conquer Eretz Yisrael. How they should do it B’derech Hateva. Since the battle for the most part for the conquest of Eretz Yisrael would be B’derech Hateva (in a natural way) therefore it would be normal for Meraglim to go in and see how it should be done.
So their job was a question of how. So the Ramban says instead of trying to answer how, they went and answered if they should go in. They switched from an understanding of the question being how they should go in to a question of if they should go in. That Shinui from how to if was the root of their problem. So even though they were good people, when they understood the job that it was a question of if they should go in that was the first step that led them to a disaster of the Cheit Hamiraglim.
The Steipler in Birchas Peretz alludes to this Pshat, however, he doesn’t quote the Ramban. He adds a Nikuda. He points out that it seems to be a Stira in Rashi. Rashi 13:3 first says (כלם אנשים: כל אנשים שבמקרא לשון חשיבות, ואותה שעה כשרים היו) Kulam Anashim, B’ose Sha’a Kishairim Hayu. Rashi says that when they left they were Kishairim, they were good people.
On the other hand Rashi 13:26 also says (וילכו ויבואו: מהו וילכו, להקיש הליכתן לביאתן, מה ביאתן בעצה רעה, אף הליכתן בעצה רעה) Ma Biasan B’eitza Ra, Af Halichasan B’eitza Ra. Rashi says they went out with a bad plan. As if to say that they were Reshaim when they left and that is a contradiction between these two Rashi’s. (א"ה פנ"י קידושין סא: סובר שי"ל מדרשים חלוקים על שני דברי רש"י)
The Steipler explains beautifully. The Yesod is what are you going to investigate. Are you going to see how to enter Eretz Yisrael or are you going to see if to enter Eretz Yisrael. B’ose Sha’a Kishairim Hayu, before they were appointed they were Kishairim. The moment they were appointed, a certain Gaiva came upon them. A Gasas Haruach, a haughtiness. That haughtiness caused them to decide that they were the experts, they were going to be the generals so to speak who were going to decide if this conquest was feasible. That change from trying to investigate how to enter Eretz Yisrael which is the job of Kishairim, of good people to the decision to decide if to enter Eretz Yisrael, that change made them Yitziasan B’eitza Ra. They went out with a bad Eitza. It doesn’t mean that at that moment they were ready to destroy Klal Yisrael with their bad plans. But it means that the root of the problem, their view of themselves as the experts of Klal Yisrael, that image was a bad Eitza.
We can all understand that Shinui that change taking place rather quickly. The change from how should we enter Eretz Yisrael to if we should enter Eretz Yisrael. That change of jobs L’gamri, totally, and therefore it ended up causing something terrible to happen. 

In Sefer Yehoshua in Perek 2 we will see that Yehoshua also sends Meraglim and everyone wonders how after the debacle that takes place in Parshas Shelach, how does Yehoshua make the same mistake and send Meraglim.
The Chasam Sofer at the beginning of the Parsha explains that the idea of sending Meraglim was not a bad idea if they are going to see how to conquer. It was a bad idea because they went to see if they should conquer. Yehoshua made the point that Moshe Rabbeinu’s idea is not a bad idea and it was the people who by changing it from the how decision to an if decision that was caused a problem. 
I think it is fair to say that in life in general it is this way. Hakadosh Baruch Hu puts many challenges in front of us and our question is how to navigate the Matziv, the situation into which Hakadosh Baruch Hu places us. Very often our mentality is an if mentality. Not an if decision to choose which Nisyanos will come before us, however, an if only idea. A mentality that this shouldn’t be happening when something difficult happens. That mentality pushes people down. The idea that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is Hameichin Mitzadei Gover sets a person’s footsteps. Whatever challenge comes before you in your life as unpleasant as it may seem, is something that is put in front of you by the big Meichin Mitzadei Gover, by Hakadosh Baruch Hu and the question is only how to navigate and deal with the situation. When a person focuses on how, he can deal with situations well. This is a lesson from the Parshas Hamiraglim.

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