יום רביעי, 3 במאי 2023

The consequences of speaking Lashon Hora - Emor 5781

Let us start with a thought at the end of the Parsha a few 

 who person A .)וְ אִ יׁש, כִ י-יִתֵּ ן מּום בַּעֲמִ יתֹו--כַּאֲׁשֶׁ ר עָשָ ה, כֵּן יֵּעָשֶׁ ה ּלֹו) 24:19 in says It .end the from Pesukim

ׁשֶׁ בֶׁר, תַּ חַּת ׁשֶׁ בֶׁר, עַּיִן תַּ חַּת עַּיִן, ׁשֵּ ן תַּ חַּת ) him to done be shall so did he as ,friend his on wound a inflicts

 .(ׁשֵּ ן--כַּאֲׁשֶׁ ר יִתֵּ ן מּום בָאָ דָ ם, כֵּן יִנָתֶׁ ן בֹו

In the Talelai Oros he brings that from here a Remez to something that is mentioned in the Chovos 

Halevavos and the Chofetz Chaim brings in the Sefer Shemiras Halashon. Specifically, the Chofetz 

Chaim in Sefer Shemiras Halashon in the Shaar Hazechira, Perek Zayin, brings an incredible thing. 

That when someone talks Lashon Hora about someone else the Mitzvos of the speaker of Lashon 

Hora go to the one who the Lashon Hora is spoken about. So that he gets a windfall of Mitzvos. It 

is a mistake when people say it is “All” the Mitzvos as that is not true. It does not say all the 

Mitzvos, it says the Mitzvos. If you look at the source in the Chovos Halevavos

 ( החסידים כן אחד ואמר

הרבה בני אדם יבואו ליום החשבון וכשמראים להם מעשיהם ימצאו בספר זכיותם זכיות שלא עשו אותם ויאמרו לא 

עשינו אותם ויאמר להם עשה אותם אשר דבר בכם וספר בגנותכם. וכן כשיחסרו מספר זכיות המספרים בגנותם יבקשו 

 .Mitzvos the of some is it that see will you) אותו בעת ההיא ויאמר להם אבדו מכם בעת שדברתם בפלוני ופלוני

Some of the Mitzvos of a person who speaks Lashon Hora go and switch to the recipient and that 

is the person who was hurt by his words. It switches over. 

Somewhere else in Shemiras Halashon the Chofetz Chaim writes that this may be the reason that 

at the end of Elokai Netzor there is a Minhag to say a Posuk that has to do with the person’s name. 

Why say a Posuk that has to do with a person’s name? He says because there is a concept that 

L’asid Lavo on the Yom Hadin people will come to the Yom Hadin with a Behala and they will 

not remember their name. What that means exactly is hard to understand but Balei Kabala write 

such an idea that people will not remember their names. 

Zagt the Chofetz Chaim that on the Yom Hadin on the scales a person will see either Mitzvos that 

he didn’t do that are suddenly on the scale or Mitzvos that he did do but are not there. There will 

be a Behala, there will be a question, am I the right person? Somehow that is related to the idea 


that a person has to stick his name into into a Mitzvah, into Shemoneh Esrei. Whatever that means, 

the Yesod of the Shemiras Halashon that a person who speaks Lashon Hora Rachmana Litzlon 

 if ,)וְ אִ יׁש, כִ י-יִתֵּ ן מּום בַּעֲמִ יתֹו) .Posuk this in Merumaz is Yesod that ,person other the to Mitzvos loses

 over go ,)כֵּן יֵּעָשֶׁ ה ּלֹו) done have you that Mitzvos the) כַּאֲׁשֶׁ ר עָשָ ה ) ,else someone damaged have you

to the other person. This idea is brought in the Chovos Halevavos in the Shaar Hachani’a (הכניעה(, 

Perek Zayin and this is the idea that is brought down. 

Now of course this idea needs an explanation. You suddenly get a windfall, a bonanza. It is your 

lucky day, someone spoke Lashon Hora about you and you get Zechusim that you don’t deserve. 

It is very difficult to understand the concept. 

In the Michtav Eliyahu he explains it as follows. He says that when Reuven speaks Lashon Hora 

about Shimon, how damaging is it? Well it depends. It depends on how much of a respected person 

Reuven is. If the person speaking the Lashon Hora is a Tzaddik, obviously he is doing something 

that is not Tzidkus now but he is otherwise a righteous person, a Talmid Chochom, a Chashuve 

person, then when he speaks bad about someone else it causes greater damage. If he is less than 

that, then it causes less damage. Zagt the Michtav Eliyahu, to the extent that your Mitzvos do 

damage to the other person that because you did Mitzvos you are respected and does damage to 

the other person, then it is like you are using the Mitzvos to hurt him, so Rachmana Litzlon you 

lose the Mitzvos and it comes to him. In other words, the damage, the hurt that he got is 

compensated by the cause of the damage. However, that works, it is obviously an extraordinary 

type of a punishment for someone who speaks Lashon Hora and hopefully it is something that will 

motivate us to do better. 

אין תגובות:

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