I would like to start with a Dvar Halacha. As you know, the main part of this week's Parsha are the Bigdei Kehuna. The four Begadim that the Kohen Hedyot wore and the eight worn by the Kohen Gadol. It is not well known, however, there is a Siman in Shulchan Aruch in Hilchos Tefilla Siman 91 that talks about what a person has to wear at the time that he Davens. All of the four Bigdei Kehunah the pants, shirt, belt, and hat are mentioned there in the Shulchan Aruch. There are some things that might be a surprise to you as a matter of fact and as a matter of Halacha. The fact that a person has to be wearing pants when he is Davening because one cannot be undressed from the waist down is obvious to all.
What about someone who is wearing pants but is bare-chested? It could happen. Someone could go swimming in camp and get locked into the swimming pool by accident and he is left in a bathing suit and it is time to Daven Mincha, is one allowed to Daven without a shirt. The Biur Halacha in Siman 91 says a Chiddush, he says even though if one would Daven without a shirt B'dieved he would be Yotzeh but if someone is stuck without a shirt, without a Kesones, it would be better for him not to Daven and he should Daven Tashlumin in the next Shemone Esrei because just as one has to wear pants during Davening one has to wear a shirt.
The Shulchan Aruch in Siman 91 also says that one has to wear a belt. Not as most people think to make a separation between the Leiv and Ervah (because there has to be a separation between the heart and lower part of the body), for that wearing pants is adequate. The Mechabeir actually says that a person has to wear a belt during Davening. That is like the Avneit that was worn in the Mishkan, in the Bais Hamikdash. The Biyur Halacha brings a Yeish Omrim that someone who generally goes without a belt doesn't have to wear one during Davening either. However, someone who usually wears a belt it is a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch that a person has to wear a belt at the time that he Davens as well. Although here if one does not have a belt one would Daven anyway.
As far as a hat during Davening a lot of the world relies that a Yarmulka is adequate. Although it is interesting to point out that the Mishna Berura in 91:12 actually says that a Yarmulka is not adequate and that one should have a hat on top of the Yarmulka at the time that he Davens. In that way you are wearing all the four Bigdei Kehunah, a shirt, pants, belt, and a hat at the time you Daven. Since Davening is an Avodah it makes sense that it would be very similar and have similar Halachos. So that is a Halacha that is related to this week's Parsha that is Nogea to all of us.
What about someone who is wearing pants but is bare-chested? It could happen. Someone could go swimming in camp and get locked into the swimming pool by accident and he is left in a bathing suit and it is time to Daven Mincha, is one allowed to Daven without a shirt. The Biur Halacha in Siman 91 says a Chiddush, he says even though if one would Daven without a shirt B'dieved he would be Yotzeh but if someone is stuck without a shirt, without a Kesones, it would be better for him not to Daven and he should Daven Tashlumin in the next Shemone Esrei because just as one has to wear pants during Davening one has to wear a shirt.
The Shulchan Aruch in Siman 91 also says that one has to wear a belt. Not as most people think to make a separation between the Leiv and Ervah (because there has to be a separation between the heart and lower part of the body), for that wearing pants is adequate. The Mechabeir actually says that a person has to wear a belt during Davening. That is like the Avneit that was worn in the Mishkan, in the Bais Hamikdash. The Biyur Halacha brings a Yeish Omrim that someone who generally goes without a belt doesn't have to wear one during Davening either. However, someone who usually wears a belt it is a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch that a person has to wear a belt at the time that he Davens as well. Although here if one does not have a belt one would Daven anyway.
As far as a hat during Davening a lot of the world relies that a Yarmulka is adequate. Although it is interesting to point out that the Mishna Berura in 91:12 actually says that a Yarmulka is not adequate and that one should have a hat on top of the Yarmulka at the time that he Davens. In that way you are wearing all the four Bigdei Kehunah, a shirt, pants, belt, and a hat at the time you Daven. Since Davening is an Avodah it makes sense that it would be very similar and have similar Halachos. So that is a Halacha that is related to this week's Parsha that is Nogea to all of us.
אין תגובות:
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