It says in 25:34, “וַיִּבֶז עֵשָׂו, אֶת-הַבְּכֹרָה” (that Eisav scorned the birthright). It is a B’zoiyoin that
Eisav sold the B’choirah for a little bit of food. However, Chazal tell us, as
brought down by Rashi in 25:32, (הנה אנכי הולך למות: (מתנודדת והולכת היא הבכורה שלא תהא כל עת העבודה בבכורות כי שבט לוי יטול אותה ועוד) אמר עשו מה טיבה של עבודה זו, אמר לו כמה אזהרות ועונשין ומיתות תלוין בה, כאותה ששנינו אלו הן שבמיתה שתויי יין, ופרועי ראש. אמר אני הולך למות על ידה, אם כן מה חפץ לי בה) those performing the Avoidah
who drank wine are Chayov Misah. Eisav said אני
הולך למות על ידה, אם כן מה חפץ לי בה, (I will eventually die as a result of the B’choirah, if so,
why should I desire it). So therefore, he sold the B’choirah. Why is that וַיִּבֶז עֵשָׂו, אֶת-הַבְּכֹרָה? He sold it because he felt unworthy of
The answer has to do with an
idea, Maasim Moichichim Zeh Es Zeh. Sometimes you can judge what a person is
doing, by looking at other things that he does. Like here, Eisav had just
returned from doing battle with Nimroid over some B’godim so that he could have
the honor of being the strongest warrior in the world. Not everyone is
guaranteed to survive a battle with Nimroid. It was a great risk to do battle
with him. For honor, Eisav was willing to put his life at risk. So for other
things Eisav was willing to die. So he couldn’t Taina that he was unworthy of
performing the Avoidah in the Beis Hamikdash because he might die.
Another example is found in
Parshas Ki Sisa, 32:9, “וְהִנֵּה עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף הוּא, (Posuk Yud) וְעַתָּה הַנִּיחָה לִּי, וְיִחַר-אַפִּי בָהֶם וַאֲכַלֵּם” (And behold they are a stiff necked
people. Now leave me alone and my wrath will blaze against them and destroy
them.) In 34:9 it says, “כִּי עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף הוּא, וְסָלַחְתָּ
לַעֲוֹנֵנוּ וּלְחַטָּאתֵנוּ וּנְחַלְתָּנוּ” (although it is a stiff necked people, pardon our iniquity and
our sins, and take us as your own possession). It is a P’liyah, Hashem wants to
destroy us because we are an עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף, so Moshe Rabbeinu’s Taina back to Hashem
2 Perokim later is save us because we are an עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף?
Klal Yisroel uses the Midah
of עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף for
good as well as bad. So even though Hakodoish Baruch Hu was unhappy with Klal
Yisroel this one time, overall, the Midah of עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף is a good package.
They say over from the Gerrer Rebbe, why is the third meal on Shabbos called Sholosh
Seudos, it should be Seudas Shlishis? The Gerrer Rebbe said, every day a person
eats 2 meals. So you don’t know if those 2 meals are for K’void Shabbos or not,
however, when you eat the 3rd meal, that is obviously for K’void
Shabbos and it is Maasim Moichichim Zeh Es Zeh that the other 2 meals were
eaten for K’void Shabbos. So the whole Chashivus of Sholosh Seudas on Shabbos
lies in the 3rd Seudah that a person has on Shabbos. We eat many
times not for Sheim Shomayim. When it comes to Mitzvois, we really have to be
careful to be Zahir not to be cheap on our eating. Many people when it comes to
Sholosh Seudos are Yoitzei with Mezoinois or Peirus. Is that the way we eat
when it is for our own pleasure?
For our own pleasure we go
out of the way for the best type of foods. So when there is a Mitzvah of
Hakadosh Baruch Hu to eat, we have to eat properly. Maybe that is why when it
comes to being Yoitzei a K’zayis, we try to be Yoizei all the Shitois. If there
is a snowstorm and a person doesn’t go to Minyan because it is hard to go out,
he shouldn’t go out later to play in the snow with his kids. The idea is to be
consistent. This was the failure of Eisav, Vayivez Es Habichoira.
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