יום שלישי, 1 במאי 2012

Tzibur - Acharei Mos 5771

In the Avoda of Yom Kippur there is a word that is striking. It is striking because it does not belong. During the Avodah of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur we say Sas V’ira Dam Haparah L’toch Hamizrak Shebo Dam Hasair. We say and different versions of the Avoda have it phrased one way or the other, however, essentially we say the Kohen Gadol poured the Dam of the Par into the blood of the Sa’ir so that the Kohen Gadol can mix it well. This was part of the Avodah. The blood was mixed in order to be sprayed on the Mizbaiach, Bain Habadim, Paroches, and the Mizbach Hazav. This is found in Rashi to the Posuk in 16:18 (וְלָקַח מִדַּם הַפָּר, וּמִדַּם הַשָּׂעִיר, וְנָתַן עַל-קַרְנוֹת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ, סָבִיב) that (וכפר עליו: ומה היא כפרתו, ולקח מדם הפר ומדם השעיר, מעורבין זה לתוך זה)
What does it mean Sas that he rejoiced, was there a special joy in mixing the blood?
The (previous) Belzer Rebbe says that the Par is the Korban that the Kohen Gadol brings and says Viduy for himself or the second Par that is for his family. The Sa’ir on the other hand is Mechapeir for all of Klal Yisrael. When it comes to Yom Kippurim we are afraid to be judged alone, we want to be judged with the Klal of Klal Yisrael. B’soch Ami Anochi Yosheves. So the Kohen Gadol when he only has the Dam Hapar, it is only Mechapeir for him and his family and there is a Pachad. However, Sas V’ira Dam Haparah L’toch Hamizrak Shebo Dam Hasair, the Kohen Gadol rejoices when he mixed the Dam of the Par with the Sa’ir of Klal Yisrael so that when the Dam is sprayed as a Kaparah for Klal Yisrael that he is not judged by himself and he is part of the Kaparah with Klal Yisrael.
This is the message here. The Maharal regarding the Seder Shel Pesach mentions a similar idea. Many of the Halachos specifically regarding the Korban Pesach are meant to give a Chizuk to the concept of the idea of a Tzibbur of Klal Yisrael. The Korban Pesach was eaten in a Chaburah (a group of people). That was done so that they should not be individuals but that they should be together as a group. As a group they had to be B’yachad as one. They had to be previously designated to be part of that group. That Achdus of Klal Yisrael was symbolized in the roasting of the Korban Pesach. When you roast meat it comes together as opposed to cooking when it falls apart. It symbolizes the prohibition of not breaking the bones. Everything had to stay as one rather than being taken apart. It was symbolized by the fact that the whole Chabura had to sit together for the entire Seder. You couldn’t hop around from one Seder to another Seder or from one Rebbe to the next for a Tisch. You had to sit together. This is the idea that he says regarding the concept or the idea of the Seder Shel Pesach.

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