יום שני, 19 במרץ 2012

Doubt - Vayikra 5770

We find the idea of a Korban Asham and a Korban Chatas. The cost of the Asham is a certain given value of Shtei Kesef as brought down in Maseches Zevachim. The Korban Chattas has a cost of a Danka which is 1/48th the cost of the Asham. This is absolutely incredible as they are both Korbanois. This is especially significant if you understand that the Korban Chattas is brought only when someone actually did an Aveira however, it was B’shoigeig, while the Korban Asham which is usually the Asham Talui is brought only when there is a Safeik if someone did an Aveira.  Why should an Asham Talui cost so much more than the Korban Chattas?  
Rabbeinu Yona in Pirkei Avos explains this with an insight into human nature. It is human nature that when you do an Aveira and especially B’shoigeig that there are tremendous feelings of regret. So it is relatively easy to do Teshuva on this Aveira. However, if there is a Safeik if someone did an Aveira and he is bringing a Korban, he is thinking do I really need this Korban? Maybe I don’t need it and it really wasn’t an Aveira. When a person is unsure he really doesn’t have feelings of Teshuva. So in order for it to count as a Kaparah we make a much a much bigger deal out of an Asham.
This insight into the psychology of a human being is used by the Steipler in Kehillas Yaakov in Maseches Nedarim to answer a K’tzois Hachoishen’s Kasha. The Gemara says a person may swear in order to ensure that he will do a Mitzvah. The K’tzois asks in Siman 73:5, that the Ramban says when you make a Neder or Shevua to do a Mitzvah it doesn’t apply. You were already obligated to do this Mitzvah from Har Sinai and therefore a promise to do a Mitzvah doesn’t take affect and it is not a Shevuah. The reason is, that a second Shevuah is not Chal on a first Shevuah.  So how does this Shevuah get you going?
The Steipler answers very Geshmak. A person can come up with all types of reasons and excuses of why a Mitzvah might not apply to him, so the Torah gives us an Eitza, take a Shevuah. Once you make a Shevuah to do it, you certainly have to do it. If it is a Mitzvah, you have to do it because it is a Mitzvah. If your excuse of this Mitzvah is that it doesn’t apply to me today, then the Shevuah is Chal and you still have to do the Mitzvah. So the purpose of the Shevuah is to pull away the excuses and in that way you will ensure yourself that you will do the Mitzvah.  

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