יום שני, 5 במרץ 2012

Chur Was Dead!? - Yisro 5772

The question of the week is: Rashi on the Posuk in 18:18 (נָבֹל תִּבֹּל--גַּם-אַתָּה, גַּם-הָעָם הַזֶּה אֲשֶׁר עִמָּךְ: כִּי-כָבֵד מִמְּךָ הַדָּבָר, לֹא-תוּכַל עֲשֹׂהוּ לְבַדֶּךָ) says Yisro told Moshe Rabbeinu that if you will be the judge of all Klal Yisrael alone you will become exhausted. (גם אתה: לרבות אהרן וחור ושבעים זקנים). Moshe Rabbeinu was helped by a few others and they will also be exhausted. Who helped Moshe? Rashi says Aaron, Chur, and the 70 Zekainim. They all judged. What is difficult with this Rashi? Rashi’s Shitta is that Yisro came after Matan Torah. This was after Yom Kippur of the second set of Luchos. The Ramban at the beginning of the Parsha disagrees with Rashi. (כבר - נחלקו רבותינו (מכילתא כאן, זבחים קטז א): בפרשה הזאת. יש מהם אומרים כי קודם מתן תורה בא יתרו כסדר הפרשיות, ויש מהן שאמרו שאחר מתן תורה בא). Rashi holds that Yisro came after Matan Torah. As we all know, Chur was no longer alive. Chur died at the Maaseh Haeigel. So what is Rashi saying that (גם אתה: לרבות אהרן וחור ושבעים זקנים)?

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