יום שלישי, 26 ביוני 2012

Why Did The Water Stop When Miriam Died? - Chukas 5771

We are always taught that Tzaddikim B’misasan K’dolim Mai’B’chayeihem, חולין ז: סנהדרין מז the Zechusim of a Tzaddik after death are greater than the Zechusim of his lifetime. He can be Poel, he can do more in death then when he was alive. Certainly we see that by Eliyahu Hanavi and his influence on Elisha. I have a problem with the Parsha, we are told that for 40 years in the Midbar the Zechus of Miriam kept the B’eir flowing. Water kept flowing from the B’eir Bizchus Miriam. As soon as Miriyam dies in this week’s Parsha, the B’eir ceases to give water and it is necessary for Moshe Rabbeinu to have the incident with the Mei Miriva.
I don’t understand, Tzaddikim B’misasan K’dolim Mai’B’chayeihem. Why couldn’t Miriyam continue to be the Zechus for the B’eir at that time? Tzorech Iyun Gadol M’od.

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