יום רביעי, 27 ביוני 2012

The Parah & The Eigel - Chukas 5769

At the beginning of Parshas Chukas in Perek Yud Tes Posuk Aleph and Bais the Posuk says Vayidabeir Hashem El Moshe V’el Aharon Leimor. Zois Chukas Hatoirah Asher Tzivah Hashem Leimor. The word Leimor is mentioned an extra time. The first Leimor is typical. Why is the second Leimor there? The Ksav Soifer explains something else about the beginning of the Parshah. Rashi in Perek Yud Tes Posuk Chaf Bais in D”H Parah Aduma says the connection between Parah Aduma and the Eigel is that the Inyan of the Para Aduma is that the same way a child’s mother comes and wipes away the filth so to let the cow come and atone for the Eigel. The connection between the Para Aduma and the Eigel is vague as to exactly what it is. The Ksav Soifer gives us a nice connection. We have a Kabalah that the Choitim by the Eigel were the Eiruv Rav. They were the ones who wanted to make the Avoida Zarah. Klal Yisrael who had Kashas as to where Moshe Rabbeinu was since the time was up, just followed along. Klal Yisroel’s history especially in Galus is always a challenge. The Goy asks questions and puts a Yid on the defensive and then he feels uncomfortable and is in Sakana. By the Para Aduma, Rashi brings that idea when he says, in Posuk Bais, L’fi ShehaSatan V’umois Haoilam Moinin Es Yisroel Loimer, Mah Hamitzva Hazois, Umah Tam Yesh Ba? Dafka here we say, Zois Chukas Hatoirah, that there is no reason. This is supposed to be our Chizuk against our association with the Eiruv Rav to be strong in what is correct even without knowing the reason. That is the Kaparah. The second Leimor is Hashem telling Moshe to tell Klal Yisroel that Dafka here is where it is Zois Chukas Hatoirah without a reason.

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