יום רביעי, 27 ביוני 2012

Wasn't Moshe Tamei? - Chukas 5770

The question of the week is: The Gemara in Gittin 60a on the bottom to 60b on the top says that the Parsha of Parah Adumah was taught to Klal Yisrael on the day that the Mishkan was set up, on Rosh Choidesh Nissan. אי נמי לכדרבי לוי דאמר רבי לוי שמנה פרשיות נאמרו ביום שהוקם בו המשכן אלו הן פרשת כהנים ופרשת לוים ופרשת טמאים ופרשת שילוח טמאים ופרשת אחרי מות ופרשת שתויי יין ופרשת נרות ופרשת פרה אדומה  They had been told about Parah Adumah at Marah. The first Parah Adumah ever was prepared on the second day of Nissan. Why was it not done earlier? One of the requirements as listed in the Posuk 19:4 is ד  וְלָקַח אֶלְעָזָר הַכֹּהֵן, מִדָּמָהּ--בְּאֶצְבָּעוֹ; וְהִזָּה אֶל-נֹכַח פְּנֵי אֹהֶל-מוֹעֵד, מִדָּמָהּ--שֶׁבַע פְּעָמִים  that there should be an Ohel Moed, so until there was a Mishkan there can be no Parah Adumah.
Moshe Rabbeinu served as Kohen Gadol the week before Rosh Choidesh Nissan. Moshe Rabbeinu should have been a Tamei Meis as there was no Parah Adumah at that time, so how was he able to be Meshameish as a Kohen Gadol especially if the obligation of the Parah Adumah had already been taught at Marah? You might argue that maybe Moshe Rabbeinu wore gloves all the time and made sure not to become Tamei. However, we find that Moshe Rabbeinu was Oisek with Aroinoi Shel Yosef, he is credited with taking Yosef’s coffin into the Midbar and we know that the Aroinoi Shel Yosef is Metamei because the whole Mitzvah of Pesach Sheini came about because of the people who were Tamei Meis from carrying the Aron of Yosef. So Moshe Rabbeinu should have been Tamei, so how could he have served as the Kohen Gadol during the Shivas Yimei Hamiluim?  

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