יום שני, 12 במרץ 2012

The Women's Jewelry - Vayakhel 5769

In Parshas Vayakheil, the Posuk discusses donations to the Mishkan, in 35:22. The Posuk says, (וַיָּבֹאוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים, עַל-הַנָּשִׁים). The bottom line is, the men and women came together. Why is this significant for the Torah to mention it? Why didn’t the husbands just bring those donations?

The Ragechavah has a vort why we perform Kiddushin with a ring. Kiddushin can be performed with any Shavah Kesef, yet our Minhag is to always perform it with a ring. Why? We have a principle that Ma Shekana Isha Kana Ba’alah. There is an exception to that rule noted by the Rambam, who says that a woman’s clothing is exempt from this rule. In addition, her clothing does not fall into the category of Nichsei Milug. In the time of the Gemara when the time between Kiddushin and Nisuin would be a year apart, you could give her anything that is Shavah Kesef as the husband has no rights to it until Nisuin. However, in our times, where Kiddushin and Nisuin are performed instantaneously, if the husband gave money, he would retain the rights to use it. Therefore, we Davka give a Tachshit that the husband has no rights to use. So in our Posuk, the men came to donate Tachshitin that belonged to the women because men didn’t have gold and silver. So the men had to bring their wives with them in order for them to give permission to donate it. The Posuk says they brought jewelry, so it fits good.

By the Maaseh HaEigel the women were not interested in donating their jewelry. How did the husbands get jewelry to donate? They took it against the woman’s will. They stole it. So it really was an Aveira Goireres Aveira. So now by the Mishkan, the husbands no longer had Ne’emanus, so they brought their wives who agreed to the donation of their jewelry.

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