יום ראשון, 11 במרץ 2012

Chiyus Is Metaher - Parah 5770

The Yesoid of Tumah Rav Schorr writes is, Misah and the Yesoid of Taharah is Chiyus. The Posuk says Mi Yitein Tahor Mi’tamei. Rav Schorr explains this reference to birth in a very technical way. The baby is born from a Tipa of Shicvas Zera. The baby comes out of a Mekor that is a Makom Tamei, from the Uterus that has a Din of Tamei because the baby comes out with Dam. Yet, a baby is Tahor. Shouldn’t we have to Toivel the baby in a Mikva to make him/her Tahor? The Teretz is, Chiyus is the biggest M’taheir.
With this Rav Schorr explains a Gemara in Maseches Niddah. The Gemara says that Rav Chananya was asked when the Maisim get up by Techiyas Hamaisim how will they become Tahor? Someone who is Tamei Mais gets sprinkled with the Parah Aduma to become Tahor, so how does a Mais himself become Tahor? The Gemara explains that the Shaila was a Divrei Shtus because Chiyus is the biggest M’taheir.
He brings a Mekor from a fruit that is Tamei that has seeds that are Tamei. If you were to plant those seeds and a tree would grow with fruit, that fruit is Tahor. Ai the fruit came from that original Tamei seed? Chiyus is the biggest M’taheir.
Rav Moshe was asked if it is permissible to reattach a limb like a finger to a Kohen’s hand. An Eiver is Tamei B’maga and a Kohen is not allowed to become Tamei. Rav Moshe said it is permissible to reattach it because the place that it is being attached to is not exposed. The Halacha is that a Bais Hastarim is not Mekabeil Tumah.
The question is, how can the Kohen later touch the outside of his own finger? Chiyus is the biggest M’taheir.
Tahara and Tumah are used as references to Kedusha and the lack of Kedusha as well. Chiyus in Avoidas Hashem and Chiyus in Ruchniyos is Takeh a M’taheir. Someone who has a Chiyus in his Davening and a Chiyus in his learning, being as alive as one can be is the biggest M’taheir.

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