יום ראשון, 15 בינואר 2012

Future Potential – Parshas Shemos 5772

Let me start with 2 ideas that are Yesodosdik in that they are Hanhagos, ways that people should behave by looking at the way Hashem behaves. Let me begin with the Yesod of the Mishne L’melech in his Sefer Perashos Had’rachim.
We know that Hakadosh Baruch Hu judges a person Ba’asher Hu Sham, according to the way he is at any given time. What happens in the future Hakadosh Baruch Hu does not count in the Cheshbon of a person.
Yet we find in this week’s Parsha that Moshe Rabbeinu is standing at the Sneh and he asks the Ribbono Shel Olam in what Zechus will Klal Yisrael leave Mitzrayim. The Zechus is as it says in the Posuk 3:12 (בְּהוֹצִיאֲךָ אֶת-הָעָם, מִמִּצְרַיִם, תַּעַבְדוּן אֶת-הָאֱלֹקים, עַל הָהָר הַזֶּה). In the Zechus of the Torah that Klal Yisrael will accept in the future they are going to go out of Mitzrayim now. Even though in the end they are going to do the Eigel too, they are going to create an Eigel at Har Sinai, the Mishneh L’melech says a Yesod. That Hakadosh Baruch Hu judges a person Ba’asher Hu Sham and not based on Aveiros that are going to happen later.
When it comes to something good it is not like that because Hashem desires kindness. The Mishneh L’melech says that when it comes to something good Hakadosh Baruch Hu does do things based on things that will happen in the future. If a person has a Zechus in the future he already gets Zechusim now.
We find a similar thing in last week’s Parsha, Parshas Vayechi. We find 2 Rashis, one Rashi tells us that when Ephraim and Menashe were brought before Yaakov (וירא ישראל את בני יוסף: בקש לברכם ונסתלקה שכינה ממנו, לפי שעתיד ירבעם ואחאב לצאת מאפרים, ויהוא ובניו ממנשה).That Yaakov saw that in the future Reshayim would come from Ephraim and Menashe. That (ירבעם ואחאב) would come from Ephraim and Yeihu and his children would come from Menashe. When Yaakov saw that this was going to happen Bikeish Yosef Rachamim Al Hadavar V’nacha Alav Ruach Hakodesh. This influence passed.
Then just a few Pesukim later Yaakov Avinu says 48:19 (וַיֹּאמֶר יָדַעְתִּי בְנִי יָדַעְתִּי--גַּם-הוּא יִהְיֶה-לְּעָם, וְגַם-הוּא יִגְדָּל) when he is giving the Berachos, there Yaakov says that Yehoshua is going to come from Ephraim and because of that I am giving the Beracha to Ephraim first. In other words, when it came to the future involving Reshaim like Yerovom, Achov, and Yeihu the feeling passed, it didn’t influence the actions of Yaakov Avinu. When it came to somebody good that was going to come from them, Gidon and Yehoshua that were going to come from Menashe and Ephraim, then he was Dan Al Ha’asid then he behaved based on what would happen in the future. When it comes to good things a person gives credit even to something which will happen in the future. This is the Yesod of the Mishneh L’melech.
We know that human beings are supposed to emulate the actions of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Basically, what we are saying now is, that when you look at a person you should look to see the good even the potential good, the promises of good things that may not have even happened. If it is good you should give credit for promises, you should give credit for a hope that in the future things will go well. When it comes to negative things, negative things should be ignored. This is a lesson from the Mishneh L’melech.
באשר הוא שם

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