יום חמישי, 2 במאי 2013

Who's Got The Bumper Crop? - Behar 5771

Hakadosh Baruch Hu assures us in 25:21 (וְצִוִּיתִי אֶת-בִּרְכָתִי לָכֶם, בַּשָּׁנָה הַשִּׁשִּׁית; וְעָשָׂת, אֶת-הַתְּבוּאָה, לִשְׁלֹשׁ, הַשָּׁנִים). Hakadosh Baruch Hu assures us that he will give us enough produce in the 6th year to last for the 7th year which is Shmitta and the 8th year which is Yovel so that we can make it through the 3 years. There is a famous Vort here in the Seforno and others quote it, that for a Baal Bitachon, (אוכל קמעא והוא מתברך במעיו) Ochel Kima Umisbarach B’mai’av as it says in Rashi to 26:5, the 6th year will grow a regular crop, but miraculously it will last for 3 years. However, as the Seforno says for the ordinary person if he says 25:20 (וְכִי תֹאמְרוּ, מַה-נֹּאכַל בַּשָּׁנָה הַשְּׁבִיעִת:  הֵן לֹא נִזְרָע, וְלֹא נֶאֱסֹף אֶת-תְּבוּאָתֵנוּ). Meaning he is afraid and asks what will I eat in the 8th year, for such a person the Posuk goes on and says (וְצִוִּיתִי אֶת-בִּרְכָתִי לָכֶם, בַּשָּׁנָה הַשִּׁשִּׁית; וְעָשָׂת, אֶת-הַתְּבוּאָה, לִשְׁלֹשׁ, הַשָּׁנִים). Then 3 years worth of crop will grow and you will have plenty of Tevua to eat in the 6th year.
We have a bit of a problem because we understand that this Beracha is only for the Shomrei Sheviis. Those who keep Shemitta have this Beracha of an excessive crop in the 6th year. But one minute.  In the 6th year we do not yet know who will be keeping the Shemitta and who will be keeping the Yovel. At that time it is still a time of Nisayon. This Posuk the Seforno explains is talking about someone who is afraid (וְכִי תֹאמְרוּ, מַה-נֹּאכַל בַּשָּׁנָה הַשְּׁבִיעִת).
The question is, whose crop grew in the 6th year, 3 fold what is normal? Whose crop grew in excess? It would seem that even those that keep Shemitta would have this extra crop. Hakadosh Baruch Hu knows who will keep Shemitta and who will not, however, it doesn’t make sense to say that in the 6th year, for those who are about to keep Shemitta 3 years worth grew and for those who would not keep Shemitta only one year’s worth of crop grew. Just for those people who 3 years grew it was already Paskened in Shamayim that they wouldn’t keep Shemitta? For whom did it happen that (וְעָשָׂת, אֶת-הַתְּבוּאָה, לִשְׁלֹשׁ, הַשָּׁנִים)? Unless you say that everyone had the big crop, even those that kept Shemitta.

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