יום שני, 29 באפריל 2013

Food Is Free - Behar 5769

At the beginning of Parshas Bechukosai in 26:4 it says (וְנָתַתִּי גִשְׁמֵיכֶם, בְּעִתָּם), (I will provide YOUR rains in their proper time). What does the use of the word “Your” come to teach us? Rav Moshe talks about an idea that the Mezonos that a person gets, doesn’t use up any of the Schar he has in this world. Hashem gave us life in this world and we need food with which to live, so Hashem gives us whatever it is that we need to live. This doesn’t take away any of the Schar we would get in Olam Habo. It is just like air that we breathe, we don’t think that it costs us anything, so to rain is ours. If a person does Aveiros there can be a drought as a punishment.  

Rav Pam discusses the language in the first Bracha in Bentching, Umaichin Mazon L’chol B’riosav Asher Barah (He prepares food for all of his creatures that He has created). Why the redundancy of the word created? Rav Pam would say that the Teitch of the word Asher is Because, so it really means Hashem prepares food for all of his creatures BECAUSE he created them. The reason is as we have stated, since Hashem gave us life, so to he gives us whatever we need to live.

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