יום ראשון, 25 בנובמבר 2012

Keeping The Idol - Vayeitzei 5771

31:19 (וַתִּגְנֹב רָחֵל, אֶת-הַתְּרָפִים אֲשֶׁר לְאָבִיהָ) We know that Rochel stole the Avoda Zora of her father Lavan. However, instead of doing what we would do and throwing them in the ocean, she kept it with her. The Divrei Yoel (Satmar Rebbe) asks, why did she keep it with her? What did she want with the Avoda Zora, it is Assur B’hana?
He answers that Rochel knew how to be Metaheir the Avoda Zora. The Gemara in Maseches Avoda Zora describes a method in which an Avoda Zora can be made Muttar B’hana through Bittul, and she knew how to do it. This was her plan. This is why she held the Avoda Zora with her all along.
The question is, would we do that? Would we want to have benefit from an Avoda Zora? Isn’t it a little strange? The B’nei Yissaschar in Chodesh Av says regarding something Treif that falls into a pot of Kosher food in a matter which is Bateil B’shishim, it is Muttar. Let’s say a little milk fell into a Fleishig soup, if the milk was 1/60th of the total soup, the soup is Muttar. Is there an Inyan not to eat this soup as there is something non Kosher in the soup?
This is a Shaila in the Pischei Teshuva and he brings that it is good to be Machmir not to eat it. The Nesivos says on the contrary, the Torah says it is Muttar and you could eat it.
The B’nei Yissaschar goes a step further and says it is a Mayla for a person to eat something that was Treif and is Bateil. You are not allowed to do it deliberately because Ein Mevatlin Issur L’chat’chila. However, if it happened in a Muttar way that Issur became Kosher, that Kabbalistically is called Klipos She’toharu, things that were Tamei and now became Tahor. Under such circumstances, the item actually becomes better than if it never became Tamei. Therefore, a person should eat that type of food.
This would explain why Rochel would Dafka want an Avoda Zora, to be Metaheir the Avoda Zora and to thereby make the Avoda Zora into something usable. Klipos She’toharu is like B’makom She’haBaal Teshuva Omed Ein Kol Ha’adom Omed. Something that was on the other side and became Tahor is on a higher level.
This would explain what had occurred. I am assuming that Rochel understood that it was not a danger to hold the Avoda Zora. Even if Lavan had found it he would not have killed his children over it. I am not coming to answer the question of any type of danger, I am only coming to answer the question of why she would want an Avoda Zora.

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