יום ראשון, 25 בנובמבר 2012

Heart In The East - Vayeitzei 5772

Eretz Yisrael is called the place that Einei Elokecha Ba Mairaishis Shana Ad Acharis Shana, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s eyes are Kavayachul on Eretz Yisrael and we too if our hearts are towards Eretz Yisrael it is as if we are there.
The Gemara in Maseches Kesuvos 75a (9 lines from the bottom) Darshuns the Posuk from Tehillim 87:5 ((תהילים פז) ולציון יאמר איש ואיש יולד בה והוא יכוננה עליון א"ר מיישא בר בריה דר' יהושע בן לוי אחד הנולד בה ואחד המצפה לראותה). The Posuk in Tehillim says regarding Tzion regarding Yerushalayim that the Goyim say all you are born there so the Gemara Darshuns not only one who is born there but someone who has in his heart a strong desire to be there and see Yerushalayim it is as if he was born there and is a citizen of Yerushalayim. Rashi says that (ולציון יאמר. משום דאיירי בה רבי מיישא נקיט לה ולציון יאמר איש ואיש יולד בה לעתיד לבא כשיתקיים מקרא שכתוב והביאו את כל אחיכם מנחה לה' וגו' כל מקום שימצאו שם ישראל יאמרו העמים זהו מבני ציון זה יולד בה נביאנו שם). Rashi says that in later days the Goyim will look at Yidden and whoever wants to be in Eretz Yisrael, whoever has a (Teshuka) a desire will be called Bnei Tzion. So this is the idea that where a person has his heart set, in a certain sense it is as if he is there.
Here too, Yaakov Avinu was now heading back to Eretz Yisroel and his heart mind was on Eretz Yisrael. He was eager to return even from a distance. At that moment the Malachim returned to him the Malachim of Eretz Yisrael came to him K’ilu (as if) he was actually there

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