יום ראשון, 6 במאי 2012

Three Thirds Of Sefira - 5769

There are no special Halachos for Lag Ba’omer except that we don’t say Tachanun that day. The Ohr Gedalyahu says, the 49 days of Sefira are divided into three parts. The three parts are K’neged 1) Torah, 2) Avoidah, and 3) U’gmillas Chasadim. Each of the three is during one third of the Sefira. That is, the first third that include the days of Pesach is K’neged Avoidah. Pesach is of course a Yom Tov of Avoidah, as the whole Klal Yisrael brings a Korban. The second third is K’neged Gemillas Chasadim. Pesach Sheini falls during the middle third. It was a Chesed that Hashem made it that you could make up a Mitzvah that you missed. The last third is K’neged Torah because we lead up to Matan Torah. Lag Ba’omer marks the end of the second third. We enter into the time of Hachanah in the Derech of Kabbolas Hatoirah. One of the Shittos is that the Man started to fall on Lag Ba’omer. For 30 days there was Matzah and it took another 3 days for the Man to fall. Chazal even say, Loi Nitna Toirah Ela L’oichlei Hamon which is sort of Merumaz that the Man started then and was a Hachanah for Kabbalas Hatoirah. This may explain why the Talmidim of Rabbi Akiva stopped dying. The Talmidim might have had some faults in other areas of Avoidas Hashem, however, that certainly could not be said regarding their Torah learning. So during this third of Sefira that corresponds to Torah the Talmidim didn’t die. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai who is known as the Meyaseid of Torah Hanistar, has Lag Ba’omer as his Yahrtzeit. This makes a lot of sense based on what we are saying that it is at the beginning of this third that is K’neged Torah. There are seven Sefiros during the seven weeks of Sefira. Chesed, Gevura, Tiferes, Netzach, Hoid, Yesoid, Malchus. An easier way to remember this is again dividing the days of Sefirah into thirds. The days with Pesach in it, corresponds to Chag, Chesed & Gevurah. This is the period of Avoidah. The middle period, which corresponds to Gemilas Chasadim have the Sefiros that spell the word Tena meaning give, Tifferes, Netzach, and Hoid. The last third which correspond to Torah spell Yam, Yesoid and Malchus which is the Yam Shel Torah.

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