יום רביעי, 13 ביוני 2012

Overcoming - Shelach 5769

V’avdi Choleiv Eikev Hoןsa Ruach Acheres Imo, that Calev because he possessed in him a different spirit and followed Hashem fully, will be brought into Eretz Yisrael. The obvious question is, Yehoshua is missing. The Aruch Chaim Hakadosh has a wonderful Vort. Moshe was Mispallel for Yehoshua, and therefore the Ruach Shtus that came into all of these Meraglim didn’t affect Yehoshua because he had the protection of Moshe Rabbeinu. Calev on the other hand, did have this Ruach Shtus or Yeitzer Hora to rebel against the Ribbono Shel Olam, and that is why Calev went to Chevron to Daven. Yehoshua didn’t go to Daven. So Calev is an Odom Gadol. Yehoshua, ok, he deserves to live, he didn’t do a Cheit, but his Gadlus is not recognized. The Gadlus is when someone has within him a Ruach Shtus a Yeitzer Hora and he overcomes it. That is the Teitch of Eikev Hoisa Ruach Acheres Imo, typically you would Teitch it, that is was a Ruach of Good. The Aruch Chaim Hakadosh says no, it means he had a Ruach from the Sitra Achara, a Ruach to do Aveiros. He overcame it. So he Davka will have the extra level of Schar. Takeh, the Bnei Calev got an extra Cheilek in Eretz Yisrael which was Chevron. Yehoshua did not receive an extra Cheilek. The lesson from this is, the Gadlus of a person is not one who does not have a Yeitzer Hora. A person for whom it is hard for him to battle his Yeitzer Hora and he overcomes, that is the Choleiv Eikev Hoןsa Ruach Acheres Imo.

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