יום שלישי, 1 במאי 2012

Spontaneous Demonstration? - Acharei Mos 5771

The Mishna in Yoma says and we say in the Machzor that part of the job of preparing the Kohen Gadol for the Avoda is that they made him swear that he wouldn’t do things differently than required. This is because the Tzedukim attempted to do things differently. They had different Shittas about how the Ketores was to be offered. Therefore the Kohen Gadol was made to swear that he wouldn’t do anything different. After that Shevua the Kohen Gadol would step away and weep because they had accused him of being a Tzeduki and the Sanhedrin that made him swear would weep because there is a terrible punishment for one who is Choshed Bich’shairim.  
A difficulty with this is if it had been a spontaneous action when the people were Choshed him then it makes sense that he was weeping and they were weeping. However, it is not so because it is setup in the Mishna that one is required to make the Kohen Gadol swear. Once someone is required to do it, it is just part of the Seder Hadevorim and they are not being Choshed Bich’shairim. They were just doing what the Mishna says that they are obligated to do when they prepared the Kohen Gadol. The fact that the Sanhedrin & the Kohen Gadol turned aside to weep is something that is Tzorech Iyun Gadol.  

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