יום ראשון, 15 באפריל 2012

The Bracha On The Haggadah - Pesach 5772

As you know, we do not make a Beracha on Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim. The Rishonim already ask a Kasha and they give various technical reasons for not making a Beracha on Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim.

The Sfas Emes has an explanation B’derech Hamachshavah. Something that doesn’t contradict the Rishonim but goes well with what the Rishonim say. The Sfas Emes says that in general we do not make a Beracha on any Mitzvah that is Bain Adom L’chaveiro. A Mitzvah which has to do with benefitting another human being. A Mitzvah like Tzedakaka has no Beracha and even a Mitzvah like Kibbud Av V’aim (respecting ones parents) has no Beracha. The reason for that is because the Rambam has taught us that any Mitzvah which is a Mitzvah Sichli which is a logical Mitzvah is something regarding which a person should say I would do this Mitzvah even if the Torah did not obligate me to do so. That is the attitude that a person should have for Mitzvos Sichlios. The idea that even though the Torah did not obligate me to give charity even if the Torah did not obligate me to have respect for my parents I would do so anyway. When you have a Mitzvah which a person would do even if he was not obligated to do it is not appropriate to say a Beracha Asher Kidishanu B’mitzvosav V’tzivanu, blessing HKB”H for having commanded us to do this Mitzvah as if we are only doing it because we were commanded.

Says the Sfas Emes that is the reason that on a Mitzvah Bain Adam L’chaveiro such as giving Tzedakah we do not make a Beracha, because on a Mitzvas Sichli it is inappropriate to say that had Hashem given us holiness by commanding us to do this Mitzvah as if that is the reason, the motivation for doing the Mitzvah. That is true for all Mitzvos Bain Adom L’chaveiro. We talk about Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim which is not a Mitzvah that is Bain Adam L’chaveiro. It is something that is a Mitzvah Bain Adam L’makom. Nevertheless, the Yesod the main idea of Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim is feeling Hakaras Hatov, a thanks to HKB”H for having taking us out of Mitzrayim. Here too it makes no sense to say Asher Kidishanu B’mitzvosav V’tzivanu. This is a Mitzvas Sichli. It is a logical Mitzvah that we would have done even had we not been commanded. For that reason we make no Beracha. It is as if we are telling HKB”H this is a Mitzvah that we should understand to do even had we not been commanded. It is a beautiful thought.

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