יום ראשון, 29 בינואר 2012

Pidyon Haben & A Riddle - Bo 5770

13:1 – 13:15 ב  קַדֶּשׁ-לִי כָל-בְּכוֹר פֶּטֶר כָּל-רֶחֶם, בִּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל--בָּאָדָם, וּבַבְּהֵמָה:  לִי, הוּא טו  וַיְהִי, כִּי-הִקְשָׁה פַרְעֹה לְשַׁלְּחֵנוּ, וַיַּהֲרֹג יְkוָk כָּל-בְּכוֹר בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם, מִבְּכֹר אָדָם וְעַד-בְּכוֹר בְּהֵמָה; עַל-כֵּן אֲנִי זֹבֵחַ לַיkוָk, כָּל-פֶּטֶר רֶחֶם הַזְּכָרִים, וְכָל-בְּכוֹר בָּנַי, אֶפְדֶּה Everyone knows that a child must be 30 days old in order to have a Pidyon Haben. What many people are unaware of is that there is a Machloikes Magen Avraham and Shach how to Teitch 30th day for Pidyon Haben. The Magen Avraham holds that it has to be the 31st calendar day. The Shach holds it has nothing to do with the calendar. You need 29 days, 12 hours, and 44 minutes, which is a Lunar month. Once that passes you do the Pidyon Haben. Sometimes this falls out on the 30th day and sometimes on the 31st day. L’halacha, we perform a Pidyon Haben only after both have passed which is why we never do a Pidyon Haben on the night of the 31st day, because it will not always be after 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes after birth. It is always done on the 31st day. For example, if a baby is born on a Monday the Pidyon Haben is on a Wednesday.
The Posuk says that the reason for Pidyon Haben is because in Mitzrayim the Bechor of people and animals were killed therefore there is a Mitzvah of Pidyon Haben. Pidyon Haben has to be a Bechor to the mother, however, in Mitzrayim even a Bechor to a father and a Bechor to a mother died. This is a Gemara in Maseches Bava Metzia 61b (19 lines from the top) that Hakadoish Baruch Hu discerned in Mitzrayim who was a Bechor and who was not. אמר הקב"ה אני הוא שהבחנתי במצרים בין טפה של בכור לטפה שאינה של בכור
So how can it be that the Mitzva of Pidyon Haben is K’neged Makkas Bechoirois if Pidyon Haben and Makkas Bechoirois didn’t go with the same rules? There was no Teretz given for this Kasha.

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