יום שלישי, 10 בינואר 2012

Futile Hishtadlus – Parshas Shemos 5769

As we all know, Basya sticks out her arm and it gets longer to reach Moshe. It is a well known vort of R’ Chaim Shmulevitz, who asks, why did she even bother sticking out her arm if it was so far? He says, you see from here that you have to do Hishtadlus and do the best you could. This vort is a stirah to a vort on Parshas Mikeitz.

In Parshas Mikeitz, Yosef is punished (with an extra 2 years in jail according to Rashi) for asking the Sar Hamashkim to remember him. Ai Yosef did a normal Hishtadlus? The Chazoin Ish in his Sefer Emunah V’Bitachoin says a big Yesoid. We see that even when the Sar Hamashkim does finally remember Yosef, he calls Yosef Eved Ivri in front of Paroh, thereby putting him down. B’derech Hatevah Yosef’s request of the Sar Hamashkim wouldn’t have worked. The Chazon Ish says a Yesoid, a person must have Bitachon and do his Hishtadlus. As long as the Hishtadlus is normal, it is not a Stirah to Bitachon. However, when a person does something out of desperation, that is going against Bitachon. Therefore, Yosef’s behavior was wrong.

R’ Chaim Shmulevitz’s vort seems to be a contradiction to this vort. There is a difference between Ruchniyos and Gashmiyos. Basya was doing a Mitzvah, a Davar Ruchni, so even if she did something desperately it is not a lack of Bitachon.

This idea might answer a question Rebbi had on Rav Pam. There were many time that people were dating and it wasn’t going smoothly, so Rav Pam would say, don’t push to hard to make it work. When Rav Pam was ill, and Rebbi spent a lot of time in the hospital with his family, he was told that Rav Pam’s Shidduch itself didn’t go so smooth, yet he pushed until it worked. So it looks shver that Rav Pam didn’t listen to his own advice.

Rav Pam might have been a different case, because his Cheshbon was a Ruchniyasdika Cheshbon which allows you to push for things until you get it. Human beings normally are just the opposite. They stay overtime at work and go to work in snow storms, however, for Ruchniyos, to go to Minyan or Seder during a snowstorm, they come up with excuses. We have to know what really counts.

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